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Silence. A knife could cut the tension, that's how fragile I feel. My heart is pounding in my chest, thumping loudly in my ear and I have no doubt that he could hear it too. I want to scream, cry, anything to make me escape from this vivid nightmare.

He's standing there completely still, not doing much other than being able to capture me with his stare. He's completely fearless because he has nothing to fear. I on the other hand am scared to death and the fact that he is confident in what he's doing makes it worse. He looks like the devil personalized as a dark figure.

"Harry," I manage to whisper.

"Happy to see me?" He grins, amused at my delayed realisation that he's standing in front of me.

I force myself to look anywhere else but his face, unable to bear looking into his manipulative eyes anymore. No words find their way to the tip of my tongue, so I shake my head. Being in this man's presence is the worst thing that's ever happened to me.

"Well.." A small chuckle of mock sympathy escapes him, but it doesn't reach the darkness in his eyes. "I'm not happy to see you either."

He makes a sudden step forward, decreasing the distance between us. I suck in a soft breath through my nose, hoping it's not that obvious how frightened I am. I automatically take one big step back, not knowing what's behind me and just wanting to get away from here. Running wouldn't be the best option; Considering our differences, he'd catch me in a second.

"What should I do with you?" He clicks his tongue in amusement.

There's a tiny smirk across his face, enough to tell me he's amused by the situation. His eyes are dark with horror and I'm unable to look at them for long.

I shake my head and pinch my eyes shut. My back suddenly hits a hard wall, the side of one of the containers. I gasp suddenly and can feel my blood run cold all over again. I feel trapped and he takes the chance to get even closer to me, knowing that I'm even too scared to escape.

"N-nothing," I whimper in fear, not daring to open my eyes yet when I know he's standing right in front of me.

My breathing gets heavier, my chest rising up and down feeling like the oxygen is sucked from my lungs. I'm paralyzed in shock and I've never been this scared before. I don't even know how to react.

He responds with an unimpressed hum and soon chuckles while I hear him reach his hand into the backpocket. I can't see what it is since he holds it hidden behind his back.

He rasps lowly. "You stupid little girl, you don't know how to mind your own business, do you?"

His voice hits the side of my head, his breath close to my ear while I feel the heat of his body almost directly in front of me. I keep my back pressed against the metal, increasing the distance so I don't have to touch him.

I swallow. Hard. I can feel his breath against my ear but I keep my eyes closed, not being able to look at him at this closeness. Even though he's not touching me, he has me trapped in his presence and something in me just can't escape. Maybe I'm aware of the consequences I would have to face if I tried to run away.

"Answer me," he snaps quietly, making me flinch against the wall behind my back.

Tears are starting to roll down my eyes to which I shut them in hope that he won't see my reddened eyes. I can't help but shiver instead of parting my lips to speak.

His hands suddenly slam into the metal wall on either side of my head. There's a second sound added to one hand which sounds a lot like a blade slapping against metal. I flinch violently, ducking my head in reflex as a horrific cry escapes my fraglie lips.

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