seventy four

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part one of the double update.



You never know what someone is thinking, whether the person is completely calm or pacing in anger. Someone could be losing their mind but their face would tell me that they're peacefully staring at the wall. And sometimes I just don't want to know what someone is thinking right now.

And that someone is called Niall Horan.

"Don't get distracted up here, okay? You need to pull us right up when we get back here," I tell him.

I check again as I now attach the carabiner of another rope to the belt around my hips.

I will let myself down on a rope through the hole in the ceiling while Liam and Louis are already inside of the mansion. We agreed that Niall will be waiting on the roof for us which I slowly start to regret. He needs to let us down with the machine which we attached on the roof. We're short of time right now because we've already lost too much time with cutting the hole into the ceiling.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I know how to handle this thing," he assures me with a not-so-trustworthy smile.

"It won't fail on you." I roll my eyes. "Now, let me down."

"Yes, sir."

The rope on my hips is tightly fixated to the machine while I slowly fly into the room. It's dark and the lights are turned off, because it's nearly evening and nobody is home. It's only a matter of time until the alarm would go off and the police shows up.

We're standing in what seems to be the living room. The ceilings are tall and everything is white and clean, precious paintings are hanging high up on the walls and the furnite looks too expensive to be touching it.

"Remind me what we need to get again?" I murmur, gazing around the massive mansion like a curious kid.

"A vase," Louis informs me.

"Did Ricci say where it would be?" Liam asks.

"Uh, don't think so."

"This guy can't have that many vases, can he?" I grumble, wandering into the room next-door which turns out to be the kitchen.

"Maybe he's got a wife who loves vases."

"What if we split up?" I hear Liam's voice from the other room. "I'll go upstairs, you two can search this floor."



I continue searching in the kitchen for any expensive piece of shit that may look like a vase. If it was that precious, he wouldn't place it somewhere in the open. Well, I don't exactly know how intelligent that man is.

All I know is that he's fucking rich, because every little thing in his home is clean and neat. Golden details compliment the furniture and elegant patterns are incorporated into the white ceilings.

We could be living in such a massive mansion too, because we're packed with all the money we get from Ricci. I still do know it's illegal money, but that's what I would put up with instead of being homeless.

"Have you guys found anything?" I yell through the house.

"No!" Liam yells back.

"What about Louis?" I leave the kitchen and enter another hallway. This shit is confusing.

"Me neither," he sighs, leaving a random room.

"Let's keep looking."

I enter a grand dining room, a massive wooden table is standing in the middle of it. Tall windows fill out an entire wall, curtains hiding the outside world from seeing us.

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