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I'm standing in June's bathroom, face toward the mirror in front of me but I keep my eyes closed while she's applying eyeshadow onto my eyes. She insisted on doing my makeup and surprise me with whatever look she was creating. I'm not one to wear much makeup, neither am I good at it but she clearly is and I let her use her talent on me.

"Alright, eyes are done," she informs me.

I open my eyes and observe my face in the mirror. She kept it very natural which I love, but it's still more than an everyday makeup look.

"Do you want to put on the lipstick yourself?" She offers me a red lipstick which would really tie the look together. 

My ex hated it when I would wear lipstick because he didn't want to kiss me when I did. The thought makes me overthink the lipstick, but he's not in my life anymore, and it's not a big deal anyway.

"Yes, thanks." I grab it from her hand.

"I'll look for a dress you can wear." She's already leaving the bathroom before I can respond.

I slap my lips together to spread the lipstick everywhere and clean the messy corner with my pinky. I like getting ready with a friend before going to a bar or a club, it feels like we're bonding in some sense. This isn't something I could experience with a guy in the same way.

She re-enters the bathroom with a black fabric in her hand. "Here, you can wear this." She places the dress on the counter. "Oh, yes, the lipstick was the perfect choice. Good job, June," she praises herself and I laugh.

"Thanks, June, this was fun." I close the lid of the lipstick and put it down on the sink.

"I think we'll have lots of fun tonight." She throws her arm over my shoulder and smiles at me through the mirror.

We took a cab ride to the club, and now she's dragging me through a crowd of sweaty people who don't care about their terrible dancing because it's very dark anyway.

We walk a couple of steps down, already met with pounding music which makes me unable to hear anything else. I try to keep my eyes on June who surely has a plan on where we're going because I don't.

Through the gaps between the people I catch a glimpse of Niall, Liam and Louis sitting at the bar with a drink in their hand, laughing. I smile at the sight of them, finding it amusing how they're acting when they're wasted.

"Finally, people!" Niall raises his half-empty glass at the arrival of June and me. "Evans, I was waving at you for hours over there on the dance floor, didn't you see me?"

"Niall, that wasn't me," I reveal with a smile and pat his shoulder. He must be really drunk.

"Yes, it was!" he laughs, "don't be stupid, I know what you look like." He rolls his eyes playfully. "Hey, Theo, toss six tequila shots over here, will ya!" he yells to the bartender who always has Niall first in line.

"Six?" I repeat. "Harry's not even here yet." I look around, but he's really not.

"You don't just have one shot, darling, you need at least two to get the party started." He downs the last remainings of his drink before slamming it onto the bar top. "September, you, me - two shots each. Who else would these be for? These shits over there?" He points at Louis and Liam. "I don't know them."

I shoot a glance at June who's not even bothered by Niall's intoxication. She just rolls her eyes and leans against the bar top. "What drink do you want, Alison?"

"Whiskey and coke," I tell her and she spins around to face the bartender, telling him our order.

"After the shots, remember." Niall pokes my nose.

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