forty two

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a bit of a longer chapter with 4300+ words, so I won't be uploading frequently because it takes me a lot of time to write these

thanks for reading, and please enjoy!!

He invites himself inside and closes the door behind him.

I groan out loud and rub my eyes with the back of my hands. "At one AM? What made you think that's a good idea?"

"I never said it's a good idea. It's an attempt."

I cross my arms over my chest. "What's your plan?"

"I'm going on a little trip, wanna join me?"

"I'd rather stay in bed," I protest.

"Let me do this for you, please," he tries. I don't know what he has planned, but if he's willing to hang out with me in the middle of the night, he should get a second chance.

"Fine. Where to?"

"For that, you have to come with me. I won't tell you," he grins.

"That's not fair," I chuckle.

He shrugs. "I don't make the rules."

I can't hold back the smile that creeps onto my face, and he doesn't want to hide his own either.

"Go change or you'll freeze your little ass off."

My shorts are definitely too short to wear but he didn't have to make a comment about it. Ignoring his comment, I hide in my bedroom while I change and take the time to prepare myself for what's going to happen. I change into faded blue jeans and a dark sweater, thinking it's a cute outfit.

"Better?" I ask him after finding him sitting in my living room.

He doesn't take long to actually observe my outfit and gets up from the couch. "Perfect, let's go."

As if he were actually living here, he walks to the front door and leads himself out, with me trailing behind. I close the door behind me and follow him down the stairs to his motor cycle. Wow, I've never been on a motor cycle before, I'm definitely excited.

"Harry, why are even still awake in the middle of the night?" I ask on the way down.

"Why you asking?" He responds instead.

I sigh, nearly rolling my eyes. "I don't know, maybe because it's very weird to just show up at one AM."

He chuckles lightly, but not showing his face as he keeps walking in front of me. I'll just take that as a I won't tell you. Why does he have to be so secretive anyway?

Nearly overlooked in the dark, his black motor cycle is waiting on the side of the road, looking exactly like I imagined it. Very dangerous.

"C'mon," he encourages, already swinging his one leg across the seat until he's sitting on the machine. So sexy.

"Aren't we gonna use a helmet?" I protest, clearly noticing how he's not wearing one.

"Not really," he smiles at me and even in the dark, he has those beaming eyes which enchant me.

"What?" I squeal. "Isn't that like dangerous? You don't wear a helmet?"

He shakes his head, still smiling like he's amused by my reaction. "Scared?" He teases.

"A little," I huff.

"Don't worry." He pats the space of the seat behind him, apparently where I'm going to sit.

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