fifty five

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tw! gore


"I fucking hope that's pizza." Niall jumps up from the couch and hurries towards his front door.

"Did you order pizza?" Harry questions.

"No," he answers.

Once Niall is out of view, I snuggle into his neck again. I savor the taste of his cologne, having my arms tightly wrapped around him.

"Harry," I whisper.

"What," he returns the tone, turning his head lightly to mine.

"I woke up in your clothes, but I don't remember changing," I murmur, hiding the slight embarrassment in my smile.

"I know. I did that for you."

"So you saw me naked!" I whisper-shout, my eyes bulge at the sudden realisation.

"I've seen you naked before."

That's not reassuring enough for me, so I only stare at the side of his face until he eventually realises I won't answer.

His eyes meet mine, only there's so much more amusement behind his green ones. Dimples are popping on his cheeks and he wraps a protective arm around my body.

"I didn't even look," he teases, pressing me gently against his chest.

"I'm sure you didn't." I can't fight the smile although I try to stay mad at him.

Harry grips my wrist and pulls it to his chest in a sudden movement, causing me to jolt forward. I halt my face in front of his, noticing the amused smirk upon his face while I seem a bit startled. He inches closer until he finally captures my lips.

I savor his gentle touch which is so little, yet has the power to make chills roll down my spine. I give into him and arch my body against his while his arms are tightly wrapped around my lower back.

"Guys, look at this!" Niall calls from the front door around the corner from where we are.

Harry draws back, still holding my chin with his thumb and forefinger when he tilts his head to the side. "What is it, Niall?"

"Someone delivered a box," he mutters.

We both furrow our eyebrows as Harry stands up and walks to Niall with me closely following behind. He hasn't touched the box yet and continues to stare at it, laying on the doormat.

"Then take it inside!"

"I don't wanna get my handprints on that," Niall rushes, quickly taking a step back.

Harry rolls his eyes and takes this into his own hands and carries the little box into the apartment. As I'm about to follow them, I discover a little paper note slipping out and floating to the ground.

I crouch down on the floor to pick it up, already parting my lips to call for the guys when I notice the little 'Alison' in the middle of the note. Is this only meant for me to see? Pressing my back against the front door, it closes with a soft click and I stay leaned against it for a bit.

My heart races in my chest just a little faster so I would notice. Who is this note from? I secretly unfold it in my delicate hands, my fingers slightly start to shake.

1700 Race Street

That's everything written on the paper.

What's that supposed to mean? Am I supposed to go to that address? Obviously, right? This seems kind of random when it's the only message on this note, but it's clearly addressed to me. No one would give me that message without a reason, this has to mean something. I don't know what, but I will find out.

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