fifty one

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I'm back at work on Monday. It's been a rough weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing Harry and asking him how his wound is doing. I'm wearing baggy jeans with a little faded blue shirt, my hair is falling loosely over my shoulders, held back by the sunglasses on my head. I'm feeling cute today and that completely reflects on my mood.

I like having Harry's office next to mine, it gives me a feeling of safety to know he's right there. And kissing him is only one door away.

I walk through the foyer with a little bag swung over my shoulder. Harry could still be sleeping in bed or maybe he's already in his office. Either way, finding him is the first thing I want to do.

"Hi Alison," someone calls me somewhere. A frown takes over my face, I spin around to the source of the sound. Someone is leaning against the reception desk, looking at me. "It's good to finally run into you."

I slowly approach him. Who is this man? He's middle-aged, can't be over fifty. His raven hair is perfectly slicked back on his head, an equally dark suit hugs his body. I've never seen him before, so how does he know my name?

"Hi," I greet him, acting like a have a damn idea who this is.

"I've been reading your work and I like what you're doing," he praises. A compliment has never felt so weird. "I wanted to know how you're doing here? Six months will be over in a blink, I just want you to enjoy your time here," he explains.

"Yeah, I'm doing good." I nod, the frown doesn't leave my face. "I'm...glad that someone enjoys my work."

"You should, otherwise it wouldn't be published," he fires back. "We're really strict here, you should know." He wears that kind of smile which reminds me of the way Harry used to look at me⎯ a devilish glimpse in his eyes.

I lose my words, and for a moment I lose my focus when I catch Harry walking out of the elevator on the other side of the room. We lock eyes for a second, he immediately knows what's going on and comes rushing over to me.

The sight of him brings me ease.

"Totally," I murmur in somewhat acknowledgement. I wouldn't have noticed if he said anything else.

I feel fingers brush against the back of my hand, bringing me back to reality. Harry casually joins my side, the new arrival catches the man's attention.

"Harry," he greets him, nodding briefly. "Funny meeting you two here," he snickers, but we stay quiet. "Remember to focus on your job, Harry, you know how it'll end." He pats his shoulder encouragingly.

"Yeah," Harry murmurs, the man walks away without another word. "Fuck," he groans, letting his head fall back in despair.

"Who was that?" I ask immediately.

He turns to me and places his hands on my cheeks, taking in my appearance for the first time today. I slide my hand over his, gently leaning the side of my face into his palm. I feel the need to touch him somehow.

"What did he say to you?" he rushes, darting his gaze from my one eye to the other.

"Mh, nothing much really." I frown. "He thinks my work is good, I dunno, he's weird," I murmur quickly. Lately, it's very scary to talk to random people, I can't trust anyone anymore.

A relieved but tense sigh leaves his lips. "Alright, let's go." He walks towards the elevators, leaving me to follow behind him.

"Who was that, Harry?" I press, grabbing his arm when he stops.

"That was Ricci," he admits, worry is in his eyes as he looks at me.

"Oh shit," I whisper to myself. I understand why Harry was acting the way he did, he was worried about me. We walk into the elevator, the doors slide close while I lean against the wall.

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