thirty five

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I make my way to my office the next week like nothing happened on Friday night. I'm glad that nothing bad happened to me, even though it keeps me wondering how many more people there are who know me. Just for the record, Harry and I exchanged numbers on Saturday after his straightforward question which made me laugh.

When I open the door to my office, unexpectedly, it's already open. I could've sworn I locked it when I last left the room. I can always be wrong though, and so I enter the room. It's not that I have anything important in here, because I don't, but you never know who could be waiting for me behind the door.

"Good morning." The sudden voice startles me and I shriek, jumping a foot back.

The source of the sound is sitting right there on the couch, laughing amusedly at my reaction. My heart is still racing from the scare but I'm starting to calm down, only scowling at him.

"That's not funny, you scared me to death," I breathe, holding a hand over my heart.

He's leaned back on the couch, a grey shirt clinging to his torso which allows me to see the traces of his muscles beneath it. And that smile. I'm not going to lie, he looks damn hot.

"What are you doing here?" I look down to hide my flushed cheeks from him.

"To visit you, but you weren't here," he simply replies.

I nod and walk around my desk, all while trying to avoid his eyes. "I didn't realise I left the door unlocked," I mutter to myself but maybe Harry will confirm that it's true.

"Yeah," he sighs, "should've locked it, imagine how many people want to steal your flowers," he jokes, and I chuckle at his lighthearted words. There's literally nothing else in here than my decoration.

"Must be a lot."

Out of nowhere, Harry then begins to laugh like I just said the best joke ever. I raise my head to see what he's laughing at, a hand covering his face and the other one holding his stomach.


"I lied, the door was locked and I broke in. Technically." He shrugs, very proud of his action.

"You what!" I shriek, almost jumping out of the chair.

He grins, "I broke your door open."

"W-what-why?" I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous this is.

"Because I can."

"Wow, so what? You're gonna sit there while I'm working?" I wonder, already turning on my laptop on the desk in front of me.

"I guess so, kinda forgot that you're busy, but I don't have anything to do anyway. Looks like I'm stuck here for a while, huh?" He leans his head back to gaze at the ceiling and it's the perfect moment to stare at him.

"Just don't bother me and you can stay here," I warn, forcing myself to concentrate on my work.

He doesn't respond and most part of his body is hidden behind the laptop screen which I'm thankful for, or I'd be distracted all the time.

Once he's quiet, I take a look at him to check what he's doing. His head is titled down to his hands which are playing with the dagger. I almost forgot that it existed. So he really does have it with him all the time. I'm not really fond of the little thing, since it hurt me and I don't even know if he'd do it again. By the way he's acting lately, I doubt it.

I really want to believe he wouldn't hurt me anymore, because it would be really messed up if he did. He's been so nice to me the last days and I don't want him to ruin that.

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