fifty nine

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posted this one early, yay *everyone's excited*



"We're late, sorry," Louis mocks Harry's words, shaking his head when he adjusts the tie around his neck.

The boys look awfully good in suits. I don't think I've ever seen them wearing those before. It adds richness to their looks since they don't usually dress up for things. I only ever see them wear their bulletproof vests and that kind of stuff.

"Your clothes are in the room, put them on quickly," the nameless woman tells us hastily. She seems stressed and I can't judge her, it's our fault we're late.

"Thanks," I reply shortly and drag Harry behind me towards the open door.

"Don't tell me you fucked," Louis comments briefly.

"Jealous?" Harry smirks.

We disappear into the room, and the door shuts behind us. I'm good at blocking out snarky remarks; they don't really bother me, to say the least.

"C'mon, let's get dressed," I murmur softly and approach the other side of the room where two outfits are hanging from the doors outside of the wardrobe; a silky forest green dress for me, and a black suit for Harry.

The dress is strapless and has a rather gentle fall along my body; it doesn't seem too tight, and I hope it hugs my hips just perfectly.

"Sexy," Harry speaks behind me, gazing at the dress as well.

"I adore the color," I smile.

"I knew you would." He touches my arms and leaves a gentle kiss on my neck.

"How did you know?" I turn my head to see him.

He grins mischievously, "I requested this color for your dress."

Unable to suppress the joyful smile, I peck his lips briefly. "I'm gonna take a shower real quick." I hurry into the bathroom, which is attached to this room.

I've lost my sense of time and have no idea much time I can spend showering. Nevertheless, I keep it short, with about five minutes to wash my hair as well. It really fucking sucks that we're too late because we're on a busy schedule, and everyone will have to wait for us. But I won't say that I regret going to that field with Harry. We could've watched the time more carefully, though.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrap a towel around my body as well as my hair. I only put on my underwear; given the lack of straps on the dress, a bra wouldn't be that flattering.

I leave the bathroom and find Harry buttoning up his black dress shirt. He's too concentrated to even acknowledge my presence, struggling to match the correct buttons. He wears a gun holster with knife sheath on his belt, fully prepared for any violence. The realisation makes me a bit uneasy.

"Need help?" I speak cheekily when I approach him; he lifts his head.

Not answering, he drops his hands and anticipates me, his eyes quietly travel along my body. Knowing his dirty mind, he most probably wants to see me without the towel. Too bad we don't have time for that right now.

My fingers flick the buttons through the holes and leave the very first one open. This is so much different from how he always wears his shirts. Usually so much more casually.

"You look nice," I compliment him honestly, gently brushing my hands along the soft material to straighten his shirt.

I remind myself that he's still not good with compliments, because he doesn't answer.

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