thirty eight

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ey dudes, like every wattpad writer is going on a school trip at least once, I will now too YEAAAAHH lol
so I won't uploading until friday :'(

now enjoy the chapter!!!


I bite off of the pizza piece between my fingers, my eyes glued to the TV running in front of me. Wearing sweatpants and a little light blue shirt, I'm sitting cross-legged on the couch, trying to make my quiet evening more enjoyable.

When I hear my phone vibrate to a message, I shortly stop what I'm doing and look around the room to find it. Standing up from the couch with the pizza in one hand, I walk across the room and grab it from the kitchen counter.

Harry: Come over?

He didn't tell me when he had his little museum heist, but he surely is done now and fortunately survived it. It's about nine PM right now, so why would he want to come over this late? I have to work tomorrow but then again, he lives in the same building which I work in.

Alison: Sure, I'm there in 20

Right after I sent the message, I quickly finish the one pizza piece I was eating and then head into the bathroom to freshen up. There's no point in wearing makeup so I only fix my hair a bit. Instead of the sweatpants, I put on baggy jeans which are at least more comfortable than the tight ones.

A cab takes me to the building, because walking alone can be quite dangerous at this time of night.

I'm silently praying that Harry is alright after their heist and that there's no reason why he wanted me to come over. He should visit a hospital if he's wounded but I hope that's not the case.

It's quiet behind his door and I knock three times, wondering if he fell asleep. My question is answered when the door opens, Harry standing there with a smirk on his shiny face.

An arm leans against the door, his other hand playfully placed on his hip. He looks weirdly delighted with a smile which brings dimples to his cheeks and wrinkles under his eyes, but in a cute way. His eyes are shamelessly travelling down my body, even though my appearance isn't that admirable to be looked at like that.

"Just woke up?" He speaks in a low voice, a hint of amusement behind his tone.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his remark, and step forward into his apartment to which he moves aside to let me in.

"Offended that I didn't try to look good for you?" I tease, crossing my arms in front of my chest while he laughs behind me.

"Alright, save that attitude for later," he smirks, closing the front door with his back leaned against it. "You can leave your shoes here," he says and walks past me, softly brushing my hand with his for a moment.

I take off my shoes while he disappears inside his home, and I start smelling the familiar scent in the air. So far, there aren't any traces that he might have gotten hurt today but it shouldn't concern me anyway. I need to stop worrying about him.

Harry's just entering the living room with a bottle of red wine when I walk in, glancing at him but he was already staring.

"How was, you know...the heist?" I sit down on the couch and he does the same after placing the bottle down on the table.

"How does this look?" He turns his head in the other direction, pointing at his ear. It's only then that I see the little red wound on the side of his ear, the dried blood coloring the spot.

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