thirty four

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Soft cushions surround my body when I feel my eyes start to flicker. My back is turned towards the window so I'm not blinded by the dim light, but I can see the shadows of the furniture painted on the white wall I'm facing. The early morning vision brings me ease and I cuddle deeper into the duvet.

That night, I slept safe and sound in the foreign bed with no care about how late it would be when I woke up. The thought only strikes me now when I realise there are voices speaking from the other side of the wall. I quickly discover it's the boys' since I remember Harry told me they'd come over.

I haven't seen Harry yet, which means that the first time I'll face him after our kiss, is going to be with the boys.

My body turns towards the pillow, my face sinking into the cushion as I disappear beneath the duvet. I wish I could just hide in bed all day so I don't have to face either of the boys.

Forcing myself to turn to the other side, I grab my phone from the night stand, checking the time. 10:37 AM. That's not bad for the fact that I only slept six hours, and I still feel super tired.

Their voices get clearer by each second passing and I know I wouldn't be able to fall asleep now.

With Harry's warm clothes still hugging my body, I tuck my hair behind my ear to make it look less like a mess as I open the door. The four boys are sitting on the massive couch in the living room, talking about something pretty intensively while The Office is running in the background but no one seems to be paying attention to it.

"Good morning." I grin, immediately catching their attention.

Each of them turn around to look at me as I walk into the room, a smile painted to my face even with how sleepy I'm feeling. They mumble a few little Morning's and I wonder what has them so numb.

"What are you doing?" I place my hands on the backrest where they're sitting in front of me on the couch.

"Just discussing," Louis mumbles quickly.

"I see, sounded pretty intense." I nod, chuckling a bit to myself. "Do you have anything for breakfast, Harry?" I walk to the kitchen on the other end of the room, realising I haven't eaten anything in more than twelve hours.

"Yeah, food's in the kitchen, help yourself," He calls from the living room.

I decide not to make anything too time-consuming and just prepare a bowl of cereal with milk for myself. I'm too preoccupied to even listen to their conversation across the room, but I discover they're purposely keeping their voices down.

With my bowl in both hands, I walk over into the living room to join them on the couch. Niall is sitting the closest to me as I approach them and I curl up on the couch beside him. My knees are pulled to my chest as I hold the bowl with one hand, my eyes staring at the TV which no one is paying attention to.

"Hello there, sweetheart," Niall mumbles to me in acknowledgement of my presence. "How are you? Feeling okay? That cut looks nasty." He brushes my hair behind my ear, and I shrug.

"I'm feeling better." I nod and shove a spoon of cereal into my mouth. I really do feel better, and so many different events could be the cause.

"Looks like it," he teases, "You walked in with a smile that could light up the whole room."

"Do you think I take this too easy? It's just that I kept pushing the events out of my head. I wanted to stop thinking about it, because I knew I'd get anxious once I did," I mumble with a little shrug, bringing another spoon to my mouth.

"Mhm, it's better than you let it get to your head. I can assure you, these guys aren't a threat to us anymore. And you're really feeling okay?" He searches for my confirmation once again.

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