seventy seven

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"Fuck, which one is it," I grumble to myself.

I gaze at the numbers next to the doorbells, not remembering which one Harry's is. With my luck, I'd ring at the door of a middle aged man wearing a bathrobe.

I finally ring at a random door. The door opens not too long after, allowing me to enter the building. As I stride up the staircase, a door opens in one of the hallways.

Harry's curious eyes scan his doorway.

"Baby, do you know what time it is?" he laughs quietly.

"I brought breakfast." I lift the little paper bag which sits in my right hand, grinning.

He lets me enter his new home, closing the door behind me.

"Good morning, my love." He puts an arm around my waist and pulls me close to him again. Connecting our lips, he makes butterflies appear in my stomach when he kisses me like that. It still feels like I have the biggest crush on him, but I already love him with my entire heart.

"Morning." I offer him my biggest grin.

His new apartment is small and simple, even tinier than mine. It's built for only one person, that's obvious. But I think it looks cute and it's definitely fine to live in for some time. Though it lacks of decoration and color.

"I went to a french café, and I got croissants for two." When I've found the kitchen, I put the bag on the dining table.

He approaches me from behind and moves his arms around my stomach, burying his face into my neck. "Thanks for breakfast, you're incredible."

"You're very welcome."

I place my paper coffee cup on the table and sit in front of Harry. We enjoy the croissants in silence, soon discovering that it was the best choice to go to the french café.

"How was your first night?"

He shrugs, uninterested. "Fine. I didn't have my favorite pillow. That sucked."

"You had a favorite pillow?"

He glances at me. "I do."

"Well, I'm sorry that it was destroyed with the rest of the building."

"Oh, no." He shakes his head. "My favorite pillow is doing well. She's just not in my bed right now."

"Hm?" I frown, tilting my head in confusion. "What the hell are you saying?"

"Sunshine, you can be the most innocent soul when I'm not fucking you."

I have no idea what he's saying, but I know that I can be embarrassingly innocent. Asking him to explain his little joke makes everything weirder.

"So..." I clear my throat. "Are you gonna tell me or should we move on?"

This time, a full laugh escapes his lips. While my cheeks are bright red, my face is heating up to the temperature of my coffee.

"It's not a dirty joke, but your reaction is cute. I meant you are my favorite pillow."

I scoff playfully, shaking my head. "Your favorite pillow? You gotta convince me that you missed me more than that."

His dimples appear when he bites into his croissant. "You're my favorite everything, happy now?" The way he said those words with food hidden in his cheeks and without a second thought behind the confession made my stomach turn.

I bite into my own croissant to hide my widest grin, blushing from one cheek to the other one.

"We gotta buy decorations for your new home," I decide.

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