twenty six

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The way to my work place isn't longer than twenty minutes and I actually enjoy the atmosphere on the streets at this time of the day.

"Good morning, Liv." I gaze at the brown haired woman behind the reception desk who I greet every day as I walk inside the building.

"Alison," She smiles at me and it amazes me how she's always in such a delighted mood. "I've got news for you, by the way." Her voice makes me turn to her before I could walk farther. "Zayn wants to meet you in his office at twelve."

"Oh, right, thank you." I nod in confirmation. It's been a while since I've last talked to him, I wonder why he wants me in his office.

I shake my head to myself, disappearing behind the doors of the elevator. Now I'm officially later than usual but at least I've still got a few hours until the meeting with Zayn. I finally get to my office, an environment in which I feel slightly safer and more comfortable.

I do my work for a bit, which still doesn't sit right for me. Once I realise that I've got five minutes left before I need to meet Zayn, I decide to head there right now.

When I leave my office, I see no other than Harry who is on his own way too. Our eyes meet and for once it's weird to see him stopping in his tracks as if he's seen a ghost. It makes me stare at him for a second, confused out of my mind about what just happened.

"Hi?" I mumble in attempt to ease the discomfort.

"Hi Alison." He nods but I can tell that something is off, though I wouldn't have a clue what it could be. "Where are you going?"

"Zayn wants to talk to me," I explain, glancing in the direction of the elevator.

"I'll join you then, need to talk to Louis." He walks down the hallway and I'm quick to catch up to him, though the pace in his steps always leaves me behind.

It takes a while for the elevator to arrive and meanwhile, Harry leans against the wall behind me, staying quiet whilr were impatiently waiting.

"Why did you look at me like that earlier?" I blurt out, gazing at him behind me just when the doors slide open.

"Like what?" He glances at me as he pushes his body off of the wall, passing me to enter the elevator. Once again, I'm trailing behind him.

"Like I was an alien," I scoff, tilting my head up to look at him from where I'm standing beside him.

A smile tugs on his lips but it's not enough to last very long. "I didn't do that."

"You very much did⎯"

"Bloody hell, you're just reading too much into it!" He snaps, pushing his hair lazily back and ignoring my eyes. "I was surprised to see you, that's all."

"Okay, it was just a question," I mutter in defence, sensing no reason in arguing over something so pointless.

An uncontrollable force makes me look at him right when I feel his eyes on me. There's a hint of something behind the green in them but I don't know what it is. His gaze is like a magnetic field which is a little too strong and attracts my eyes with such a control that I never seem to be able to pull them away.

The chime sound of the doors opening is the cause of my eyes looking away. This time I make sure that I'm first to leave the elevator and I am, quickly walking down the hallway in the direction of Zayn's office.

I knock on his door, waiting patiently for a sign to come in but it never comes. Eventually, my sneaky mind makes me open the door, realising that the room is empty. And Zayn was the one to tell me to always keep my door locked, how ironic. I close the door behind me and walk farther into the room.

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