fifty three

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this chapter is spicy


The first thing he said to me when he saw me in that silky dress was, "you look beautiful". The feeling I had was out of this world, it made me feel appreciated. He's never called me that before. I could've fainted, it just felt that good.

"Where are we going?" I ask again as I stare out of the window of his car, the sky is dark and street lamps light up the way in front of us.

"I've already told you, it's a surprise. Don't be nosey," he smirks softly.

I lean my elbow against the door and rest my cheek in my palm, getting exhausted from not knowing where we're going. The anticipation is killing me, eating me up from the inside. My heels tap against the floor in an anxious manner and I childishly watch each car that we're passing.

"Harry," I speak, he hums in response. "I can't find the necklace anymore."

"Which necklace? The one from your mom?" He questions as he glances at me.


"It's probably gonna appear again at some point," he murmurs. "Where'd you put it?"

"That's the thing," I start, noticing how upset this makes me. "I never wear it and haven't placed it anywhere else. It's driving me insane." I sigh into my palm and close my eyes.

"Hey," he whispers and places a hand on my thigh. It sneaks past the slit and sits on my bare skin. "Don't let this get to your head. A necklace can't just disappear like that. It'll show up."

"You're probably right," I agree.

There's a moment of silence where Harry caresses my thigh with his thumb, calming my nerves as he senses how flustered I've gotten. The music is faintly sounding from the radio, unfortunately not classical music because he doesn't have the CDs in this car.

Yeah, in this car. Because we're driving with his McLaren today. It's fucking awesome.

I need piano music right fucking now.

"Your ring is also your mom's, imagine if you lost it," I continue.

"Ali," he warns. "I don't talk about my parents."

"Sorry, I forgot," I sigh and hide my face in my palms.

"What you need is a distraction and I know just right about what you need," he grins lightly, his eyes are fixated on the streets and I finally follow his gaze.

The car stops on the side of the street, right in front of a theatre. Since it's nearly midnight, the streets are empty and no one is here. Does that mean there's a performance? My heart booms with excitement and an instant smile paints across my face.

The door opens and Harry stands there, sweetly holding his hand out for me to take. I've never seen a theatre performance before, it makes me squeal like a little girl.

"My sunshine," he smiles when I take his hand and he brings it to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on the back of my hand.

He's so sweet it's almost disgusting.

"What the hell are you up to, Harry?" I chuckle to myself, overwhelmed with the ideas he has. He seriously made a last minute decision to get us to the theatre at midnight?

I get out of the car while never letting go of his hand, he closes the door. My eyes never leave the sight of the building in front of us. It's truly beautiful, looking kind of old too. I'm getting sick of seeing skyscrapers all the time, it's refreshing to escape into the smaller part of town once in a while and experience precious moments like these.

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