twenty five

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It's finally the weekend and I take my day off to go into the city and maybe find a little café. I've had time to myself and decided not to think about the boys at all, not wanting to remember how they turned my life upside down. For the next two days I just want to pretend like I'm living my normal life in Carolina.

Given my absent mind, two arms wrap around my waist from behind me and pull me into a random alley. Thousand alarms go off in my body when my eyes are set with panic and I part my lips, ready to scream. A hand covers my mouth before a noise could escape and I feel trapped.

I notice how there aren't many people walking on the sidewalk so no one would even notice the girl struggling in an alley. The person obviously wouldn't let go so I quickly step on their foot, earning a groan and the arms loosen around my body. I take the chance to turn around and realise that the person is wearing a black ski-mask.

He's too affected by the pain in the foot to notice how I already raise my leg to kneel him in the crotch. He crouches over in pain and falls to his side, holding his crotch with his hands while he's groaning. I just stand there paralyzed while he's laying on the floor.

"Fuck, Alison, I didn't mean to scare you that bad." I recognise the voice as Niall's and my eyes immediately widen.

"Shit, I'm sorry," I mumble and rush over to him, crouching down next to him on the floor. I grab the ski-mask and pull it over his head, his blond hair swinging a bit from removing the cloth, revealing that it was indeed Niall.

"Hi babe." He does his best attempt at a smirk, slowly regaining his senses again. I didn't realise I hit him that hard.

I hear a loud laugh from around the corner, a voice that I recognised too. Niall and I snap our heads to the source of the sound, right when Liam enters the alley we are still in. He notices us sitting on the floor and doesn't stop laughing, making me realise that he saw the whole encounter and probably knew that Niall was going to play a joke on me.

"You're fucked over so hard, Horan," He laughs, having no intention in helping his friend.

"Oh, shut up." Niall manages to sit up on his ass, his legs stretched out on front of him on the dirty floor. "I underestimated her strength."

"Niall had his balls beat by a girl, can you imagine?" Liam runs his hand over his head, laughing to himself. "I don't think Louis and Harry will believe me when I tell them."

I tilt my head in a confusion expression, finally realising how the both of them aren't here yet. "Where are they?"

"They should come soon, trailed a little behind." Niall shrugs from where he's sitting on the floor, finally seeming like he's back to normal.

He is finally up on his feet, brushing his hands over his jeans in order to rid the dirt on them. He passes me a sharp look as a warning not to do that ever again. I quickly look away, feeling like he isn't joking at all and his stare is a little overwhelming. I hear him chuckle from behind me when I turn around and occupy myself with something else.

I notice Liam standing on the sidewalk, talking to Louis and Harry while Niall and I are still in the alley. I quickly rush to them, feeling a bit lost with myself since I don't know what to do.

"No, Alison kicked him right in the balls." I overhear Liam saying, realising that he really is telling them the story.

"You're bloody joking!" Louis laughs as a reaction, raises his hand to me and I accept his high five. "Wow, how did you do that?"

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