twenty seven

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posting the new chapter early because of the evil cliffhanger in the last one haha ||

My eyes are wide in horror, my back firmly pressed against the white wall behind me and there's no point in yelling because my mouth is covered. My gaze diverts to the figure in front of me, a part of me inflaming in relief when I recognise the familiar face of Harry's. I almost jump into his arms, either because he's alive or because he's no random person who could abduct me.

He slowly removes his hand from my mouth and I feel the need to take a deep inhale. In a crouch in front of me he keeps his eyes on mine, slowly bringing his index finger up to hold against his lips.

"Shh.." He mouths and I don't make a sound, nearly forgetting how to breathe.

I wouldn't know why we need to be quiet, I'm sure the other person is already dead.

"C'mon." He grabs my wrist and pulls me onto my feet, not letting me adjust for a minute to control my shaky legs. I trail behind him in a quick jog, realising how there's a black bag swung around his shoulder which surely wasn't there before.

I don't have time to question it, his grip on my wrist firm as he drags me with him, running down the sidewalk as we increase distance with the gas station.

"What," I mumble to myself. I don't let him get away without an explanation why he just let me wait there, almost gave me a heart attack only to run away and have me follow him silently. "Harry." I tug my wrist back but it wouldn't work.

"What is it? We need to keep going," He snaps, not stopping his steps and it's hard to resist when he's much stronger than me.

"What happened? Did you shoot the bullet?" My words finally make him stop and I catch myself before I crashed into his chest.

His gaze is rather harsh, and I don't think he realises that he's still holding my wrist. "I did."

I only stare at him, not managing to say anything. I didn't know he had a gun with him, does he always do that? That would mean that he even wore it in the café.

"Did you kill someone?" I whisper, the words feeling foreign on my tongue.

A smirk forms on his cherry lips, the kind of smirk that no one could trust. "Just a harmless shot in the foot, don't think about it."

I huff and decide to let it go, though I can't stop thinking about it. I was too naive to think that this was just a random meeting with a friend of his, but I was so wrong. Given the bag that he's carrying right now, this was probably a meeting for a delivery and I don't doubt that the contents inside the bag are illegal.

"Did Ricci make you pick this up?" I refer to the black bag on his shoulder, glancing at it and he quickly picks up to what I mean.

"What do you think?" He challenges, basically confirming my words.

"So that's a yes."

"He's the reason I do what I do. That's the price I pay for being part of the Mafia," He admits. This still doesn't make it any more acceptable, although it doesn't even bother him.

We walk more casually now, not the rushed pace where I thought that we were being chased. He always has something in mind of what he'd do next, one thing being that he wouldn't let me go that easily now.

"So...what's inside the bag⎯"

"Too many questions," He chuckles with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

It gets quite frustrating to know that nothing is worth telling me and he always shuts me out. I already know quite a lot and little things like these are really nothing that would surprise me.

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