thirty one

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White dots cover my vision like they would appear after you rubbed your eyes too much. The feeling makes me feel a bit dizzy, my head is spinning with a faint pounding. It's completely quiet around me, and I almost feel like I'm dreaming; but a dream can't seem this real.

I squint my eyes shut in discomfort when I slowly regain my consciousness. It's like the moment you wake up after you fainted, and at first you don't realise that you did. My body still feels numb, and only my head is pounding like a bad headache.

When I open my eyes, it's just as dark as it was when I had my eyes closed. My eyelids flicker a bit, trying to notice the difference but there is none. It's the feeling of insecurity which overwhelms me when the possibility strikes me, that I'm not alone in this room.

At the first attempt to move my arms and legs, I quickly discover that they're tied to the chair I'm sitting on. I feel the color draining from my face while my heartbeat immediately picks up pace. I've never felt so unprotected before, allowing anyone to just attack me and I can't do anything.

"No, no, no," I murmur to myself in disbelief, telling myself this is a stupid joke.

I tug on my wrists, only feeling the rope cut deeper into my skin. It's the same feeling on my ankles; the rope is tied to tightly for me to just wiggle it off. Still in the black dress I'm wearing, I don't have anything on me that could help me in any way.

"Oh my God, no." I start to panic a little, getting lightheaded but I force myself to stay awake. "Hello?" I mumble a bit louder now. "Is anybody here?"

Of course there's no answer, not a sound is heard except for my heavy breathing.

"Let me go!" I yell into nothing, wiggling my wrists and ankles in the rope but having no success.

The last thing I saw is Harry being held back by two men before everything went black. I wonder what happened to him, or any of the boys for that matter. They must have noticed that something was wrong, and if Harry didn't free himself, the boys surely helped him. Anyhow, it was still too late for them to help me.

I don't know who abducted me, I didn't hear their voices nor saw their faces. It makes me even more worried how they knew I was at the club, or if they even planned to take me in the first place. Maybe I was just a random person who they wanted to capture. I don't know which option is worse.

The longer I stay in this pitch black room, the more I'm confused if my eyes are open or close. That's when I know I'm going crazy.

It feels like I only imagined it, but I hear the quiet sound of a key turning inside a keyhole. A spark of hope makes my chest flutter, but I don't feel the entire relief until I'm sure that the door is being opened right now.

A ray of light shines through the gap of the door, expanding the more the gap widens. Two silhouettes appear but fade into the dark when the door shuts again.

I'm panting quietly through my parted lips, nervousness pits in my stomach now that there are two people with me in this room.

"Hello?" I ask again, only then a light turns on.

The lamp shines from above me, hanging in the middle of the room where I'm sitting beneath. I squint my eyes immediately, not used to the amount of brightness.

"Let me out of here!" I struggle to say while adjusting to the light.

Amused laughter is heard from the side of the room, making my throat tight. Forcing one eye open, I see two men approaching me. They're similar built; tall, slim with a faint trace of muscles which makes me believe that they're not made for the physical stuff. They're probably around the age of the boys.

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