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My eyes flicker but I'm too tired to open them completely. The machines are beeping around me, second by second and being the only noise to fill the room. All I can do is listen to the annoying sound. I can't handle the noise but there's nothing else I can do than lay here and try to sleep.

The moment I try moving my fingers, I feel a shock run through me and right to my head. It's painful and feels like the pounding ache that I remember. I realise now how bad my headache is, specifically my temple is hurting like crazy. As if it couldn't get any worse, I don't even remember what happened.

The last thing I remember is talking to Louis in the hallway, from there it's just a gap of blackness until I woke up in this hospital room.

"Do you think she remembers anything?" A voice is mumbling somewhere in the room. That's when I find out I'm not the only one in this room.

"Of course she will. She hit her temple on the carpet floor, that's not enough to damage her brain." Another familiar voice speaks, and I don't know if I should feel relieved or creeped out by people watching me sleep.

Apparently I hit my head on the carpet floor.

The machines are beeping faster now. That's when I decide to give it a shot and open my eyes. Though the first thing I see is a dark ceiling, the room dim from the light peeking through the white curtains. I realise that there's another smell in the room, the taste of cigarette smoke is lingering in the air.

"Look, she's awake now," Niall grins. I turn my head to see the four figures standing in front of the bed, as well as Harry who's sitting in a chair against the wall. It confuses me why they're all here when it was only Louis who I was talking last to.

"How are you feeling? That was a pretty hard stunt you pulled there," Louis chuckles lightly and I bring my hand to my temple, feeling a bandaid on my skin.

"My head hurts," I announce. I keep my eyes open and try assign the events that happened. "What happened?"

It seems like they don't really know themselves why they are here, but I know that at least Louis can inform me about what happened. The other boys are absent-minded, Harry lost in smoking his cigarette which isn't allowed and Liam walks around observing the room as if it were a museum.

"I don't know exactly, I think you fainted, but I heard a bang and that's when I knew you fell to the ground," He explains and I furrow my eyebrows, not remembering this at all. Of course I can't remember myself fainting but it all seems so sudden, I've never fainted before.


"You're fine though, we can go now," Niall urges and heads to the door.

As if on cue, the door opens and Niall bumpes into the doctor who wants to enter the room. I snicker to myself, watching as he now walks with Niall back into the room. The doctor looks kind and possibly was the one who took care of my injury.

"Hello Ms. Evans," He greets me and also shortly greets the boys. Though before he can get to me, he turns to Harry. "Smoking isn't allowed here," He tells him.

Harry only glares at him like he always does. It's not like he can convince the doctor otherwise since everyone should know that smoking isn't allowed in hospitals. I can imagine how important the cigarette for him is, that's why he doesn't give in that easily.

With a huff, Harry stands up from the chair and leaves the room with a dramatic exit. Once the door closes, the room is silent for a moment before the doctor turns to me.

"So, Ms. Evans," He begins and looks at the clipboard in his hands. "You have a light concussion which you suffered from the fall. It should be gone very soon and you will only feel a headache right now."

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