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happy fifty chapters!

thanks to anyone who comments, votes or just reads my book! it means a lot to me!!

tw! blood

My heart sinks into my stomach the second I see his hand staining with crimson. Who was that man and why did he just stab Harry? I've never had a situation like this before so I'm especially nervous right now.

There's so much blood.

"C'mon Harry, I'll help you up," I murmur softly.

I crouch down beside him and wrap my arm around his waist. He uses my shoulders as a support to stand up. He winces a bit and really relies on me to hold him because he can't use any arm.

"Keep pressure on it," I remind him and his eyes pinch shut when he presses on the wound. "We need to get you to the hospital." I lead us outside to his car, I will have to drive us now.

"It's just a cut."

"It's not, you don't know how deep it is." This is going to be more complicated than I thought. He's stubborn.

I open the passenger's door and he gets in with a painful look across his face. Although he wouldn't admit it, he's in terrible pain. Anyone would be. He's just a person who doesn't mind pain. I buckle his seat belt before I quickly move to the driver's seat and turn on the car.

"Do you have a cloth here?" I look around the car to find one. There's a shirt in the backseat, I reach for it immediately and hand it to him. He puts it on the wound and presses his palm down.

"I've had it worse," he murmurs, his head is tilted back against the headrest. "I'm fine."

"What do you mean you're fine? You are not fine." I scold him.

"It's just a flesh wound, I'll be okay."

I don't say anything. I don't want to fight with him, it's dangerous in a car when I'm already on edge. I blindly grab his hand, making sure to be gentle and not to hurt him. He returns the grip as long as it doesn't hurt and holds our entwined hands on his thigh.

I glance at him every now and then, noticing how his eyes are closed and the grip on the wound loosens.

I squeeze his hand to catch his attention. "Keep your eyes open, Harry. You need to put pressure on it."

He exhales heavily, sounding like it even hurts when he breathes. His hand grips mine tightly for the entire ride to the hospital. I hope he'll feel better once the wound is stitched up. I'm not sure how much blood he can lose with this stab, which makes me worry every time he closes his eyes.

"You're doing great, baby," I murmur. The name just slips out of my mouth, it feels oddly nice.

There's the smallest smile on Harry's lips and his eyes open right when I pull into the parking lot of the hospital. Since he can't really do anything without feeling pain, I help him out of the car and walk him to the entrance.

Harry's been so quiet because of the pain he's in, that it feels like this is a glimpse to another side of him. He learns that it's okay to be vulnerable and open with me, and the realisation makes my heart flutter a bit.

A nurse approaches us when she instantly catches sight of the blood which stains Harry's shirt. I tell her that he was stabbed and she leads us to a room, where we'll have to wait for the doctor.

Harry is sitting on the comfortable chair, his arm laying on the armrests.

"How're you feeling?" I whisper softly, brushing his hair out of his face.

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