seventy three

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they break up but harry's still the only person she hangs out with.




"I said you can sleep in my room," he repeats. "It's unlikely that there's a hotel staff awake to get you another card. I can sleep on the floor."

I'm too tired to argue with him, because I know that I won't win this fight. I love the way his soft eyes are staring at me as if everything between us was fine and we didn't have this massive fight last night. I wish we could go back to the way we were before he revealed his secrets.

"Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks," I whisper.

He leads me to his door and I follow him. After he successfully swiped his card down the key card reader, he opens the door to his room. It looks exactly the same as mine, if not a little messier.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor," he suggests.

His bed is still messy from the morning. I assume he doesn't allow cleaning staffs to enter his room. Despite it being a room for one person, it provides a king size bed.

"Harry, I won't let you sleep on the floor. That's ridiculous."

"But you don't want us to share the bed."

"I..." I trail off, pressing my lips together. "We can put pillows between us?"

"As a barrier?" He grins. "I love you so much I'd die for you, and you think some pillows can keep us apart?"

I blush uncontrollably from his confession, needing to look down at the floor so he won't see my flushed face.

"You wanna sleep on the floor then?"

"I absolutely will."

As if that's the final decision, he walks to his suitcase and searches for some things. He throws a piece of clothing at me which I catch effortlessly. It's a black shirt of his which I've worn before.

"You can wear that for the night."


I turn around and take off my clothes except for my underwear and pull his shirt over my body. I fold my clothes and I place them on an empty chair, before walking into his bathroom. I put a little bit of his toothpaste on my finger and brush my teeth that way, since that's the least I could do.

Harry's standing in the doorway while I'm braiding my hair for the night. I stare at him through the mirror, but can't allow myself to observe him for too long. He's wearing a painfull expression as if he was hurting inside. I know that it's not easy for him either.

"What?" I break the silence.

He shakes his hand. He finds back to reality as he pushes himself off the doorway and approaches me to stand next to me at the sink.

I leave his bathroom and wander to the bed.

I put my glasses down and I turn on the lamp on my bedside table, before crawling under the blanket on one side of the bed. I'm unsure whether he's actually going to sleep on the carpet floor, since I don't want to be the one who forces him to sleep there.

I already know that I'll get a sleepless night. It's hard for me to sleep in a room where Harry's two metres away from me and all I'm able to hear is his soft breathing.

He's completely silent, and I wonder if he's already asleep. Given my absolutely tired state, I would've been long gone too. But the image of him lying there keeps me awake. What if he can't sleep either? What if he's staring at the ceiling?

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