fifty seven

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I'll just leave this here...have fun! :D


A soft moan sounds in the back of my throat when he hits a sweet spot with his lips. My hand tangles in his hair with the other one still holding the polaroid, unable to look anywhere else. The photograph makes me feel some type of way. It will forever be there, the perfect imagine of the two of us kissing happily.

I like the sound of that. Forever.

Regardless of how long Harry and I will be close, a picture like this one will last forever. One day, I will look back at it and remember the messed up time we spent together. I will remember the way he would smile at me and kiss me out of nowhere. I will miss his gentle touch which only I had the honor to receive.

My mind is somewhere it shouldn't be.

I blink a few quick times and am met with the scenery of Harry's body on top of mine while his face is buried into my neck. He didn't even notice the off-site trip my mind just went.

"Harry," I whisper, but it comes out more like a moan. I smile silently at the ironic accident. "Why do you carry that around?"

He halts his movements and turns his head to where my hand holds the polaroid. His hair tickles my face but I can't bring myself to mind.

"You always find a way to ruin the moment, huh," he teases and snatches the photograph from my hold.

"It's not ruined," I pout, twirling his hair between my fingers.

"Yeah, how could it be ruined when you're wearing that shirt?" He made the same comment a few hours ago and I have a feeling it won't be the last time. He pushes the polaroid picture into his back pocket.

"Hey, don't distract from my question," I laugh.

"What question?" he teases and hands me the condom from his other pocket. The one I was supposed to get it from.

"Why you still have that picture with you," I murmur, getting lost in his eyes when they're so close above mine.

"Why not?" He curls his head into my neck and proceeds to kiss my skin, intending to avoid the conversation. I won't let him go that easily though.

"Well, why? You hid it in your pocket that one day and didn't take it out?" I question, tugging on his hair to keep my hands preoccupied.

My eyes close at the soft sensation on my neck. I'd press my lips together whenever I felt a faint graze of his teeth, sucking my noises in. It's only barely started and I'm already moaning from his simple touch.

"I forgot to," he murmurs against my neck, barely aware of the conversation.

He grabs the hem of my shirt and boldly rolls it up to my neck. My arms are forced upwards when he pulls the fabric over my head and removes it from my body. A breeze meets my skin and my nipples immediately harden because of the cold air.

"I don't believe you," I speak bravely, barely letting out a sound which doesn't sound like a squeak.

He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head with one hand, leaving me defenseless beneath him. My insides turn and the faintest blush creeps onto my lips, completely quiet all of a sudden.

"You'll have to." He smirks at me.

He kisses my collarbones and continues his way along my chest and between my breasts. Goosebumps appear along my body the farther he travels south. His plump lips leave open-mouth kisses along my stomach, lapping his tongue against my skin every now and then.

I moan a whiny sound, feeling the desperate need to touch him in any way. Squirming beneath him with his knees imprisoning my hips, he notices my sudden struggle.

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