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I never get to meet the boys when they're back from work and at the same time, I'm always earlier at work than they are. Every day I get a bit more used to the environment around me even though I hope it doesn't become a habit that I'll always feel some kind of fright towards Harry.

My morning has been without any incidences so far, that means that I had a lot of work done. But my mind still takes me back to yesterday and how I was hiding in Harry's wardrobe with a gun in my hand. Never thought that I'd find myself in this situation and I still get nervous thinking about that.

June is a good distraction to it all. To my surprise, I've already met her on my way to the cafeteria even though she's normally always earlier than I am.

"Man, Carolina sounds so cool, I've always wanted to go there," June raves and I can't help but laugh.

"It's not that exciting," I shrug unimpressedly.

"You only say that because you've lived there all your life," She argues in thought that she's right.

"I mean..technically everyone can say that," I chuckle.

"What can technically everyone say?" An arm wraps around my shoulders in an unexpected manner.

By the sound of the voice I can already tell that it's Niall and my guess is proved right when I see him walk next to me. He pulls me into his side and I can't do much against it but I don't mind anyway.

"We gotta steal her for a minute, I'm sure you wouldn't mind, do ya, September?" Niall grins.


"That's June's nickname."

"Oh," I chuckle.

Niall has already carried me away from the scene before June can even protest or she actually doesn't mind when he borrows me really quick. I'm fine doing anything as long as I get to eat lunch. Still trapped under his arm, he walks with me now in the opposite direction and towards the elevators.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Having lunch." He presses the button to the elevator, the arm slipping from my shoulder as he steps back a bit to lean against the wall. He props one feet flat against the wall, his knee bent and hands pushed into his pockets.

When I look at him, he has an innocent smile on his face, eyes hidden behind dark glasses. I grin lightly, amused by his attempt to be funny.

"Can you give me your phone?" Niall asks.

I take my phone out of my jeans pocket and hand it to him. Right as he's about to take it, I pull it back and eye him with a suspicious gaze.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just want you to have my number so you can call me, sweetheart." His lips widen into a cheeky grin.

"How could I possibly say no to that?" I speak sarcastically.

I unlock it for him and then hand it for him, not minding having his number.

"How was work yesterday?" I catch him off guard with my question.

"What?" He frowns and hands me my phone.

"Louis told me you went out," I shrug, not being able to say much more because Louis hasn't told me much more.

"Oh." He runs a hand through his dyed-blond hair. Anyone could see that it's not his natural color. "Nice, except for Harry who was pissed because he lost his gun."

"That's weird."

He laughs at the lack of enthusiasm in my words. "Don't be surprised when he's being an ass."

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