seventy six

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last chapter is gonna be very soon, guys! :(



I'm already familiar with the chill music which is running in the background of the coffee shop. Living in Philadelphia truly brought the best out of my coffee-loving-side. I've never been to that many cafés and coffee shops back in my hometown in Carolina. It was also the most perfect and calm place to be on a date with someone.

Sipping on my Cappuccino, I close my eyes in the quiet of this moment. My legs are crossed beneath the wooden table, my foot bouncing back and forth.

A silhouette makes itself present in the seat in front of me. I place my cup on the table and look at him.


"Hey," I greet Louis. "Do you want to order something too?"

"Nah, I won't stay long," he rejects. "How are you?"

"Still weird, but I'm better." I shrug, playing around with my cup of coffee.

"I haven't seen you in about a week, so I wanted to just talk to you about some things."

"Okay," I whisper, before taking a sip of my coffee.

"I'm not gonna ask you why you didn't visit him in the hospital, I think you should tell him yourself. Just know that he's not upset about it."

My heart's instantly racing faster at the thought of Harry. I haven't seen him since the day of the incident, that's the longest period of time we've ever been apart.

"When is he discharged?" I ask.

"Today at five."

I check the time on my phone. Wow, that's in two hours.

"And, that's why I wanted to talk, but," he sighs. "Harry killed Ricci that day, but he was also shot by one of his guards."

He killed the powerful man who was ruling his life for the past five years. He killed the head of the Mafia, so what if that business doesn't exist anymore?

"That's amazing for you, no? What's happening now?" I'm smiling softly, hoping this is good news for them.

"Yes, it is," he smiles. "We're free now, I suppose. We're no longer binded to the Mafia and Ricci's sick business. The building is gone and so are our homes, I just want you to know that we found a tiny building with one-bedroom flats for us, so we do have a place to live again."

"Wait, what? Louis, it's great that you're finally starting a new chapter of your life," I share. "You still have enough money to pay for everything?"

"We do," he confirms. "Everything was on our phones."

"Okay," I sigh. I was worried they'd be broke and homeless, but those news bring me a lot of relief. "What are you gonna do now?"

He chuckles amusedly. "Alison, it's barely been a week, there's still so much to do. I'll probably go search for a job or something. We all gotta figure out how to move on with our lives."

"I'm so happy it's over," I admit. "So tell me, how's life as a regular dude," I joke.

"It's very different. Very different," he snickers. "Still have to get used to not being followed all the time."

"I can imagine," I tease.

I pick up my cup and drink the last bits of my coffee, licking my lips afterwards.

"How's Harry?" I question.

"Better than ever," he replies. "He was nearly bleeding out but they could get him to the hospital in time. They removed the bullet, stitched him up and everything's fine again."

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