thirty nine

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long chapter, enjoy!!!!

I don't remember when we fell asleep, but I realise that I slept over when I woke up on the empty couch in his living room. Sitting up with my hands propped behind me, I glance around the room but see Harry nowhere.

It's not like he's going to leave me all alone at his own apartment, he should be back soon if he's gone.

With a yawn, I rub my tired eyes only to discover that I've been wearing my contact lenses all night. I'd remove them if I had my glasses, but they're at home. I need to go anyway, since I have to get ready for my day at work.

That is until a sick feeling erupts in my stomach and I'm fast on my feet, hurrying into his bathroom. I throw myself on the floor in front of the toilet, coughing up all the wine I've drank yesterday. I knew I shouldn't have drank as much as I did yesterday, and I only ever feel the consequences in the morning.

My hair is pulled from my face, hands holding them back while I'm still bent over the toilet. I push the embarrassment away that Harry has to see me like this, because it's truly disgusting.

It's not after a minute that I'm finally done and sit on my ass as I flush the toilet. Harry's standing a couple feet away from me, a glass in his hand.

"Sorry you had to see that, it's gross," I murmur, pushing my messy hair behind my ear.

"Don't apologize, it's nothing to feel sorry for. Just had a bit too much wine last night, hadn't you?" The side of his lips pulls up into the smallest smile, joking a bit while he pours a glass with water.

"Was that why you wanted to get me drunk? So you can make out with me?" I can't help but ask. I just want to make sure that I can trust him.


Now I want to die because I accused him of being an asshole. I trust Harry when he tells me he won't lead chicks on anymore, and I hope that includes me.

He hands me the filled glass and I drink the water to clear my mouth from any disgusting taste.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Kinda." I hand him the empty glass.

We're sitting on the bathroom floor for a while because neither of us know how to get out of this situation.

"So...I slept over?" I question stupidly since the answer is obvious.

"Yeah, you fell asleep pretty fast."

That means I fell asleep in Harry's arms while we were watching the movie. My cheeks burn at the realisation, discovering that he watched me fall asleep while we were cuddling. I don't know why it's so embarrassing.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could've called a cab to get home," I reason, having planned on doing that since both of us were intoxicated.

"Because I accidentally fell asleep too," he smiles. "And when I woke up, you were lying on top of me."

"What! Oh God, I'm sorry!" I shriek, face burning in blush.

Harry laughs. "Don't worry about it."

I sigh, shaking my head with that same redness on my cheeks. "I know I was so tired, but you really could've just pushed me off the couch or something."

"For fucks sake, it doesn't matter, you're freaking over nothing."

"I'm not! Anyway, I should get home, and get ready," I decide and slowly stand up from the floor so I don't feel dizzy.

"I can drive you? I still need to hand in the painting later anyway," He suggests.

"You haven't already?"

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