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The cold air of the air conditioner traces against my skin, causing light goosebumps to arise on my skin. The hallway is empty as ever like it normally is which makes me wonder where everyone is since it's normally pretty noisy around here. The feet of my curious mind walk down the carpet floor to reach Zayn's office at the very end of the hallway.

It's weird to think about yesterday and how Niall mentioned a trip to Miami. I wouldn't ever refuse the opportunity to go to the beach but since it's only my first week at the job, I'm not sure if I should already go on vacation. Maybe Zayn would accept any chance that I would get to spend with the boys.

I knock three times on his door and since I don't get any answer, I turn the doorknob and softly push the door open.

"Alison, please wait outside for a minute," Zayn tells me quickly as if he's already sensed me opening the door. There's another guy standing with him in the room so that must me the reason why I need to wait outside.

"Alison," Zayn sings in order to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I chuckle awkwardly and immediately disappear behind the door into the hallway.

So I just stand there in the hallway as I wait for Zayn to be done with this meeting so I can talk to him. The longer I have to wait, the longer June has to wait for me at lunch. We sit with each other every day and it feels nice to have at least someone who I can talk normally to. The boys haven't been that welcoming but I need to admit that I'm not very fond of them either.

Finally the door squeaks open and outside comes the nameless guy before I make my way inside. I pay attention to the glasses Zayn's wearing and I can finally observe how amazing they look on him. A satisfied smile creeps its way over my lips but I bite it back because it comes across weird.

"What brings you to me, Alison?" He asks, taking off his glasses to look at me. He sets them down on the desk in front of him which makes me think that he is farsighted.

"Niall mentioned something about going on vacation to Miami. Do you think there's a chance that I can joi-"

"Wait, wait wait," He stops me, waving his hands in front of him and shaking his head. "What did he say? Vacation?" He laughs. "They're only messing with you, love, you shouldn't believe a word they say to you. They aren't going on vacation."

"Then what are they doing?" I question instead. I tilt my head in confusion to get more answers out of him.


This seems like a pretty reasonable reason to go to Miami but why did Louis have to lie about it? He was the only one who said it was for vacation and not for work. I now may or may not realise that I can't trust these boys with anything. I shouldn't have done that to begin with because they do not look very trustworthy.

"So, there's a mission in Miami?" I question.

"Yes." He nods. "I've been wanting to talk to you about it. The news came in earlier today and I told you that you'd accompany them on their missions in different countries."

I look at him and wait for him to continue.

"How are the boys treating you, by the way? I hope they're not too much trouble."

I shrug, "Louis is okay, I guess. Since we don't talk much..I think."

"Yeah, yeah, sure," he agrees. "Just be careful, okay?"

"I am." I nod.

"Good, then." He clears his throat. "You're leaving for Miami next week and I'll give you more information in the next days."

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