forty one

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I haven't seen Harry in three days. I wasn't purposely avoiding him, he just never crossed my path and I haven't walked into him anywhere. Even though, it wasn't a massive argument which we had the other day, I didn't realise it would turn into this.

Considering that I've seen him three days in a row and now we haven't talked in three days, it feels like he's missing. He does make me feel better, since he's such an unbothered and easy person and those trades reflect onto me.

And the weirdest thing of all ⎯ I want to kiss him again.

"I told her we'd go out for lunch but we never got there, because she looked so seductive that day and I needed to nail her in⎯ are you even listening?" Niall claps his hands right in front of my face and I flinch, blinking a few times.

My cheek rests against my fist as I look at him sitting across the table, casually eating my, actually Niall's, fries. They dragged me to the bar again, and I couldn't resist because I needed a distraction.

"Sweetheart, it looked like you were in a whole different universe," he jokes and grabs the fry from my fingers which I've been holding subconsciously for a while.

"I was just thinking," I murmur, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"I could see that," he chuckles into the fry between his teeth. "Hey Louis, bring me another beer!" He yells over to the bar where Louis and Liam are sitting.

Turning my head to the two, Louis flips him off with a laugh, grinning at me briefly, while Liam glances at me plainly.

"I think Liam doesn't like me," I murmur quietly.

"Now you're thinking too much. What makes you think that?" He asks, accepting the fact that he won't get another beer.

"I don't know, we basically never talk and he gives me these weird looks."

"Well, he just doesn't make friends, that's all. He has Louis, Harry and me, and he doesn't get attached to other people. It's honestly best for the job we do, 'cause people get killed all the time."

"Louis, Harry and you don't seem to have a problem with it," I reason and take a bite from a fry.

"I don't get attached," He boasts proudly. "Lost all my senses of feelings a long time ago."

It still wouldn't justify his feelings for June which I know he has. He probably only tells himself that he doesn't feel things and the close connection with other people.

"But he still doesn't have to ignore me," I murmur, not able to let go of the thought.

"You really want everyone to like you, huh," he chuckles.

I shrug, continuing to chew on my fry. "I just want to know why, 'cause I didn't do anything to him."

"Oh Lord, Alison, you're truly adorable, and damn naïve too," he laughs, shaking his head. I pout my lips a bit, surprised that he thinks that.

"I'm not," I protest.

"You are!" He squeals. "Not everyone will like you, even if you did nothing wrong. There's always people who are shitty but I can tell you, Liam really isn't a social person."

"What if he's not a social person and doesn't like me?" I question further, discovering the jokingly annoyed look on Niall's face.

"I will ask him, if it makes you happy," he jokes but stands up from the table before I stop him.

"Niall, you little shit, what are you doing?" I hiss.

"About to get answers to the question which racks your brain," he laughs, striding over to Louis and Liam at the bar.

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