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I need to get out of here, but I don't have a chance. This is like a prison which keeps me locked up for six months until I'm finally free. Maybe going to Miami will feel like vacation and not like I'm forced to do anything. It's going to be good, I hope.

Since calling the police isn't the right option here, I need to find another way to expose the Mafia. It's my only way out of here and that's everything I want right now. The boys won't get away with all their crimes, their killing and their illegal actions. I won't sit here and watch as they do all of this for fun and not caring about anything.

The only way I will get any kind of attention is through my writing.

Is it ignorant to state my opinion on a topic that has nothing to do with me? Yes. But I need to do this for all the innocent people that have been killed and other cimes that have illegally occured. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't somehow tried to stop this.

My body is trembling as I'm staring at the send button in order to send this to Christopher. I need to think this over and think about the consequences that I would face if I sent this. I'm not even sure if they cared because maybe they won't release the article anyway. It's worth a try though.

"Okay, here we go," I mumble to myself in encoruagement.

I take a deep breath before I finally pinch my eyes shut and press the button. I sent it. I don't know how to feel. Should I be relieved or scared? I decide to go with relieved and lean back in my chair, observing the email in which I sent the article. He never answers but I assume he gets them, I'm sure he would respond if something wasn't right.

A smile sits wide on my face, feeling happy because I have some kind of hope that this could work. I close my laptop and get down to the second floor in order to eat lunch. Thankfully, June is already there so I won't have to eat alone. The cafeteria is almost empty, only about ten people in this room. The fact that no one is saying anything makes it much easier for everyone else to listen to our conversation.

"Did you know this Matthew guy was murdered in his office with a dagger?" June whispers to me in a mysterious tone.

I almost spit my food out - almost. A murder was commited in this building? The thought makes my stomach twist and suddenly I'm not hungry anymore. I even stop breathing for a second when my heart gets stuck in my throat.

"Matthew?" The guy who threatened me with a knife.

"Yeah, did you know him?" She asks further and I'm still feeling as if we are spied on.

I shake my head. "No, he once came into my office but it was nothing," I shrug it off.

She nods but doesn't question it. "Apparently he worked for someone else and he was caught getting involved in our business. I feel like he was murdered because he would've put us in danger."

"Do you justify the murderer? He was killed after all," I try to reason.

"Yeah but, Alison," She starts, "If we had let him go, he would've told his boss about our business. This isn't some teenage job, this is real business and if someone is a traitor, he gets killed. It's that easy and there's no need to feel bad, because he had bad intentions."

"Oh," I mumble. I'm too innocent and new to this to even understand what she's saying. "Has this happened before?"

"Countless times," She chuckles and rolls her eyes jokingly.

"And the fact that someone was killed is kept a secret from everyone else?" I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side.

"A few," She nods. "They don't tell you, for example. But I know it so I told you. They don't care who you tell, as long as the information doesn't get into the wrong hands. I can count on you, right?" She raises her eyebrows as if to test me but I immediately nod.

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