forty six

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I never knew my heart could break just from the look at someone.

Now I knew.

He smiles, that stupid smile of his, which I once found so sweet but disgusted me now that I know what's really behind it. He smiles like nothing ever happened, like he did nothing wrong, like he didn't remember a thing.

"What are you doing here?" I snap, crossing my arms in front of my chest as the tears sting in my eyes. I know better than to cry about something that happened two years ago.

"I could say the same. Are you that desperate to follow me around for two years?" he spits with a slight ghost of a smirk hiding behind his lips.

"Stop talking bullshit," I scoff. "Just leave me alone, I never planned on seeing you ever again anyway."

I don't remember where I was going, so I decide to head back to the bar and find Harry. I walk past Blake, but he has other plans than to leave me alone and grabs my wrist to stop me.

"We had such a good time, didn't you miss me?" He's making fun of me with that smirk upon his face.

I yank my hand back to make him let go of my wrist. "Don't touch me again and leave me alone!"

I attempt to leave a second time, spinning on my heels and walking off.

"You're still uptight after two years?" His voice is behind me, following me. "I refused to eat your pussy and you thought I liked you? How fucking pathetic are you?"

I've finally had enough. I turn around and take a swing to punch him across his cheek with a closed fist.

This is the first time I've punched someone and it felt amazing.

For a short moment I feel like smiling. That feeling leaves my body as soon as I acknowledge Blake's angry eyes glaring at me. He wipes his nose with the back of his hand, a trail of blood staining his skin.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, stupid bitch?!" he exclaims, taking long strides toward me.

It's moments like these when I regret making bold decisions. Of course Blake would get angry when I stand up for myself, so I should've known better that to punch him first.

He takes hold of my throat with one hand and I instantly grip his wrist, trying to get him off me. When I notice his other hand rising and aiming for my face, I flinch and duck my head.

But the impact never comes.

Blake is thrown off me as a fist comes into my view and punches him where I hit him just a few seconds ago. A hard push brings Blake to stumble back and fall to the floor with Harry kneeling down with him. His ring covered hands only cause more damage to the skin and it's a nightmare of a sight as he doesn't stop throwing fists.

I have never been up close to a fight before. It startles me severely as I notice the blood starting to surface on Blake's face but Harry's not stopping.

I stand there frozen, watching as the whole scenario occurs. There's nothing I can do about it, even though I wish Harry would stop. I physically can't bring myself to talk while people start gattering around us, curious about what's going on here.

Blake still manages to get himself together and punches Harry's stomach, who now bends over and doesn't see the next fist coming, which lands right across his cheek.

"Harry!" I yell but he doesn't pay attention to me.

He wipes his nose, blood smears across the back of his hand. Harry wouldn't stop throwing fists at Blake if two security guards hadn't grabbed his arms and forced him up. Another two do the same to Blake and hold him harshly. I follow them as they carry Harry out.

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