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I slowly open my eyes, the window with sunlight peeking through is coming into my sight. Today is the day we'll finally fly back to Philadelphia again, and I couldn't be happier. I don't feel tired for the fact that it's only six a.m. and the morning sun is already shining into my face. Nevertheless, I don't allow myself to get out of bed just yet and turn to the other side, closing my eyes again.

That's when a knock on my door interrupts my peaceful thoughts. I ignore it for a while and almost fall asleep again when there's another knock. I groan quietly into the pillow before I finally decide to stand up. With my glasses on my nose and my hair lazily pushed behind my ear, I walk over to the door and open it.

Harry is standing there, casually leaned against the doorway. He's the last person I expected at my door and my eyes grow wide at the sight. The signature dagger is in his hands, playing with it as if it weren't a dangerous weapon.

I swallow.

"Don't you think you missed something?" He rasps and his head finally tilts up to meet my eyes. He smirks. He's always smirking, I've never seen him genuinely smile before. My tiredness is amusing to him while he's up and wide awake.

I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side when I take a closer look at him. The skin of his face is paler than usual as if he were sick but his condition tells me that he's in a healthy mood. There are dark wrinkles under his eyes and his lips are in a slightly darker shade of pink. Something that I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't look closely.


"The flight," He tells me as if he weren't surprised. I frown deeper at the growing confusion in my brain. My face drops in shock and everything around me starts spinning. My alarm didn't go off, I should've noticed.

"What.." I mumble to myself and walk back into my room to my phone. The time says 8:49, nothing like six a.m. which I thought. "But you missed it too⎯"

I turn around to face Harry who I assume is still standing in the doorway. To my surprise, he stands directly behind me which causes me to almost bump into his chest. I stumble back in embarassment and awkwardly brush my hair behind my ear.

Harry doesn't seem fazed at all and stands still, gazing at me with a cigarette between his lips. It's lazily positioned between his pink lips when he covers the tip with his palm to enflame it with a lighter. He seems unbothered by my actions like he couldn't care less.

"I didn't exactly miss the flight," He mumbles into the cigarette. His eyebrows raise when he glances at me while taking a soft drag from the cigarette. "I'm supposed to stay another day in Miami which you do now too."

"What? No, I'll just take the next flight back," I mumble to myself, almost panicking. I usually have things under control and something like that hasn't happened to me before. Ever.

"The hell you do," He snaps. My heart gets stuck in my throat from the way he sound so demanding like he doesn't allow me to fly back to Philadelphia today. He leanes forward a bit to reach my height, smirking at me. "We'll take the flight tomorrow. Try running away and it won't end pretty for you, blondie," He hisses warningly.

The color drains from my face in reaction to his words. I don't have a choice but to do as he says and stay here for the day. This man has me wrapped around his finger and as much as I know that, I can't do anything against it.

"You're insane," I whisper, glaring into his bloodshot eyes.

"Very." He smirks into the cigarette before his ring-covered fingers remove it gently and he blows the smoke straight in my face. The grey cloud hits my skin and I automatically squint my eyes, only tasting the unpleasant smell of drugs.

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