sixty two

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ali and harry need a break from everything, so here's a soft little chapter!

wrote this one super quickly, i gotta catch up with all my hw now, cause I didn't wanna leave you waiting for too long


A strand of hair tickles my nose when I slowly awake to a chilly breeze. Harry and I didn't make it to bed last night after watching TV for another few hours and falling asleep on the couch. A layer of goosebumps coats my skin when the wind runs across my body, being the cause of my awakening.

I groan tiredly and roll onto the other side. I don't bump into another person like I hoped I would, to which my eyes shoot open, and I'm suddenly wide awake.

A soft lamp shines from the corner of the room as I gaze around, sitting on the couch.

It's in the middle of the night; the sky is pitch black, allowing me to see my reflection in the grand windows. I look fucked up and in need of another ten hours of sleep. I desperately want to sleep again, but I'm uneasy without knowing where he is. It would've been fine if I had just slept through and never discovered his absence.

Another breeze pushes my hair into my face, and I toss it behind my back with much rage. Or worry, concern, angst? My heart is beating loudly against my rib⎯

Where's the breeze coming from?

My bedroom door is open, which is also the first target I'll be heading to. Pushing the door open, another breeze crosses my naked skin, and I shudder. The french window is wide open, allowing cold air to enter the apartment. Hugging my body, I approach the balcony where Harry's sitting in a random chair, observing the sky.

"Hi," I whisper, joining his side.

His head turns to me, and a gentle smirk arises on his face. "Hi." His arm snakes around my waist and pulls me into his side.

"What are you doing here?" I curl an arm around his shoulders and lean my cheek against the top of his head.

"Watching the sunrise."

"It's still dark, Harry." I remind him humorously.

"I'm fucking waiting for it. Should start soon."

I snicker quietly, moving my ass onto his lap until I'm sitting sideways on his thighs. His arms are draped around my stomach, settled on my hipbone with his chin on my shoulder.

"Why do you wanna watch the sunrise?" I gaze at the skyline of skyscrapers, forming dark silhouettes in the dark sky.

"Why not?"

"It's cold," I whisper right when chills ironically roll down my spine.

He intentionally hugs me tighter. "Then get a blanket."

I bite back the smile like my teeth bite my bottom lip. "You'd do a great blanket."

He tilts his head to the side to catch my attention and raises his eyebrows at me. "Attempting to flirt now, are we?"

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