thirty two

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This night was gonna be a long one, I knew that as soon as I heard Harry calling for Alison in the hallway outside of the room we were in. The three of us immediately shot up from our seats and wanted to look what's happening.

But it was too late, when we didn't see anyone except for Harry who was laying defeated on the floor. He had a few harmless injuries, nothing he's never experienced before.

After we'd taken care of the guy who was still tied in the room, we got back to Harry's apartment where we were gonna develop our plan since we agreed to save Alison wherever she was.

"So?" Harry snaps, dramatically throwing his hands in the air.

The four of us are sitting at his dining table, the table empty with nothing but our unsuccessful thoughts about the rescue.

"What do they want from her anyway?" Liam questions.

"The money," I clarify. "That's most likely the simplest reason."

"She wouldn't give it to them, would she?"

"She doesn't even know it exists, Liam." Harry rolls his eyes, getting way too impatient with this shit. He shouldn't be acting like this, since it's his fault that they took her.

"Of course she does, she got it last year." There's like this invisible tension between Liam and Harry, and it's awkward to watch as an outsider.

"I asked her about it once, she seemed pretty freaked out. I know she doesn't know about it," Harry argues, crossing his arms in front of his chest in defense.

"Then she's clearly lying to you."

"You do talk some shit! Why would she even⎯"

"Her phone!" Louis finally exclaims in realisation. Everyone is silent and turns their head to him for elaboration. "Let's call her number, I'm sure someone will pick up."

"And then track her phone," I continue. "That's a great idea, Lou!"

"So, does anyone have her number?"

"I do." I nod, already reaching for my phone in the back pocket.

"Why do you have her number?" Harry frowns from across the table, eyeing my hands as my fingers tap on the screen.

"She gave me her phone some time ago." I click on her contact and turn on speaker as it rings. "It's never too early to make your move, kids," I smirk.

We stay silent while we wait for someone to pick up her phone. I'm sure she's not gonna pick up herself, since she's most likely tied together and they would've taken away her phone. At least that's what I would've done.

"Hi Niall." Her soft voice speaks on the other end. I frown in confusion since I didn't expect to hear her.

I quickly click on mute so she can't hear us. "There's possibly another person with her so don't say anything stupid."

"You're the one talking, Ni." Louis rolls her eyes.

I ignore him and unmute. "Hi Alison, uh...don't be scared, okay? We're gonna get you."

"Well, that was a nice try, but you're never gonna find her." It's now a male voice who we all remember too well.

"What the fuck, Clyde?" Harry exclaims in shock. I give him a look to be quiet, although I'm feeling the same way.

"If that wasn't the infamous Harry Styles I've just heard. I don't think I've seen you in a while, Harry."

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