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My glasses are swapped with dark sunglasses sitting on my nose, making me able to enjoy the nice weather much more. The streets are busy as we're walking down the sidewalk in the direction of the beach. I'm not sure what the boys are mumbling to each other when I only enjoy the beautiful weather and the warmth on my skin.

Many people are at the beach but we make our way to the beach bar first. There's a lounge area right beside it and I don't wait another moment before I sit down on the couch with Liam and Louis. The area is covered by a parasol, blocking the sunbeams from hitting our skin. Some people are standing around or chilling at the bar.

I catch a glimpse of Niall and Harry being held up by two girls, their backs are turned to me but I can tell that they're talking. Both of the girls are dressed in just a bikini top and shorts, smiling seductviely. A smile like that always works for guys like Niall and Harry.

"They're snorting a line of coke together," Louis clears up my thoughts, possibly sensing my confusion.

"How did the girls know they had any?" I question innocently. I don't have any experience in drugs so I wouldn't know anything about how that works.

"Harry always carries that stuff out on the open, understandable that the girls wanted some of it," He explains further.

"Do you do drugs too?" I ask, considering how Liam and Louis aren't with them, nor have a pack of cocaine here.

"Not right now as you can see," He grins cheekily. I figured he doesn't directly want to say yes.

"I've never done drugs before." I shrug but I don't want to judge them since everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to do it. Though I got to admit, it doesn't surprise me that the boys do drugs.

"That's okay," He chuckles. "Do you want a drink? I'm grabbing something from the bar," He offers and I immediately nod.

Louis is off to the bar to grab something to drink, alcohol I assume. I told Niall I'd never drink alcohol at midday when I haven't had anything for lunch yet. I figured that Liam is a very quiet person to be around with. He doesn't say much and yet, he always knows what's up.

Louis returns with a whole plate of different drinks. My jaw almost drops from the amount of alcohol he got us, having expected that he'd only get three for us. He places it down on the small table in front of us and I immediately notice the one orange cocktail on the side. I smile, guessing that it's for me.

Louis and Liam both take a glass of clear liquor, possibly a stronger alcohol than my cocktail. Childishly drinking from the straw, I glance around the beach and enjoy the little cooling from the hot air. I can barely taste the alcohol because the amount of sweet drinks is bigger and I have to be careful not to get too drunk.

Harry and Niall return with the biggest grin on their faces. They sit down on the couch with us and immediately reach for the drinks on the table. Even from the short distance I can tell how bloodshot their eyes are, their pupils dilated. They're in a state of euphoria even though I can only guess that they've already got used to the feeling of being high.

"Has anyone got a lighter?" Niall asks, pulling out a joint from his backpocket.

I, obviously not owning one, only watch as the others feel their pockets in search of a lighter. Harry reaches into one back pocket and even takes out all the contents, emptying the pocket. He throws them onto the table, revealing what was hidden behind the cloth; a pack of gums, cigarettes, condoms, keys and a lighter.

"There it is." He grabs the lighter and hands it to Niall.

I savor the taste of the liquid on my tongue, keeping the straw between my teeth and playing with it out of boredom. I absentmindedly watch Harry as he picks up all the items from the table and shoves them back into his pocket. His fingernails are painted black, I've never noticed that before. Golden rings are wrapped around his naked fingers, and the tattoos reach to the middle of the back of his hand.

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