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I'm now laying in my bed after a quiet afternoon of me laying at the pool. I don't know where Harry was but the car chase was enough action for the day anyway. Tomorrow should be finally the day where we'll fly back to Philadelphia and I only pray that I won't miss it again.

I close my eyes and just when I think I've found peace, a loud bang tumbles through the walls outside of my room.

My eyes immediately shoot open and my heart drops. The noises are horrifically loud and I might actually have to guess they're coming from right across the hallway. My heart is rapidly beating in my chest, pounding loudly in my ear in this quiet room. I'm not even sure why I'm nervous but it's probably the feeling of something unfamiliar happening outside.

I wait for the noises to stop which may have to take a while. I constantly switch back and forth whether I should look what happened or not. My skin is getting hot and before I know it, moisture is slowly building on my forehead.

Eventually, I decide to get out of bed. I blindly grab my glasses and put them on, stumbling through the pitch black room to the door.

The hallway is completely silent before a loud bang appears from behind a door. I follow the noises until I'm standing in front of a random door, hesitating for a moment, before I knock.

The sounds stop and I wait for a couple of seconds, staring down at my feet while biting my lip nervously.

The door rips open and I take a step back, forcing my head up. Harry's glaring at me with dark eyes due to the lack of light in the room. His chest is heavily rising up and down as if he was working out or something.

The open door allows me a look into the hotel room which is completely trashed; a broken lamp, splintered vase, a coffee table which is missing a leg and lots of random stuff is lying on the floor.

"Fuck off, Alison." He slams the door in my face, and I gasp as I back off.


It's not my business anyway, but something could've happened and I wanted to help. Obviously, Harry doesn't need any help.

I turn on my heels and walk down the hallway back to my door. I cross my arms over my stomach, hugging myself because it's kind of chilly in this hallway. I don't believe I'm the only one who was woken up by the noises in the middle of the night, does no one care what happened?

A door opens behind me, and I glance behind me.

"You weren't supposed to see that, Alison," Harry raises his voice across the hallway.

"I figured," I reply.

He's just staring at me, the glare is not as obvious as it was before. I'm unsure what he wants from me, because he did make it clear that I should leave him alone.

"Do you want to come inside?"

He must be high as shit, because there's no way this is the same Harry who treats me like he wants me dead. But, do I want to come inside? I don't know what I expected when I knocked on his door, but all I wanted to do was help. So, maybe he's just asking if I want to come inside, because he wants to.


He's already disappeared into the room when I return. I close the door behind me and finally get a clear picture of the trashed room. Harry's sitting on the floor in the middle of this mess, staring down at his lap as if he didn't know where to look.

Without saying a word, I quietly walk over to him, careful not to step on anything. His knees are pulled to his chest with his back leaned against the wall behind him. He looks exhausted. His arms are lazily hanging on either side of his body, eyes barely open. I slowly sit down beside him, making sure that I still leave a bit of space between us.

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