CH 1.4 The Cells

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Andrew slowly opened his eyes to see he was trapped in a small circular cell with some of the other prisoners from the camp and some he didn't recognize.

" head is killing me" Andrew mumbled.

"No surprises there" one of Andrew's cellmates scoffed. "You got hit pretty hard" Andrew gathered himself and looked around the room. He saw several other cells the same shape as the one he was in. Andrew looked up to see Hydra soldiers walking above him. Andrew began looking for an escape route when he spotted Bucky in the cell to the right of his.

"Bucky!" Andrew yelled trying to get his friend's attention. "Wake up!"

"Oh great...Andrew is awake" Bucky rolling his eyes over to his friend.

"How we gonna get out of this one, pal" Andrew asked, knowing there was no way out.

"I don't think there's a way out of this one, buddy" Bucky said with a smile.

"I'm with you till the end of the line, Buck" Andrew said looking over at his friend. "You didn't think this was it and I don't either."

"How touching" a prisoner in Andrew's cell said with a chuckle.

"Thank you" Andrew answered sarcastically. "Well, we're all going to die here so we might as well get to know eachother. What's your name, mustache?" Andrew asked the man who had joked about Andrew and Bucky's conversation. He taller than Andrew and thicker but his build indicated strength. And as Andrew pointed out a large, reddish mustache adorned his otherwise pale face.

"Dum Dum Dugan" the man replied. Andrew exploded into laugher.

"Your name is dum dum?!" Andrew asked between laughs. "I am so sorry" he said jokingly before standing up to shake Dugan's hand. "Nice to meet you Triple D" Andrew said before turning to the man that had informed him why his head felt like he was in the worst hangover of his life. "What's your name, Captain Obvious?"

"Gabe Jones, at your service" the youthful darker skinned man said, shaking Andrew's outstretched hand.

"See we've already become so close!" Andrew joked, making the prisoners laugh for the first time since being captured.

"Give it a few hours and you'll forget all about me over here" Bucky said with a laugh.

"Oh, Bucky" Andrew pressed the back of his hand to his forehead. "I could never forget about you, darling."

"QUIET!" a high ranking Hydra soldier yelled before walking over to the cells joined by a very short man with a simple hat and glasses on. "These are your options, Dr. Zola." The solider muttered in German.

"Sorry, I don't speak Spanish" Andrew said jokingly. The soldier walked over to Andrew's cell, punched Andrew in the stomach and walked back over to the scientist.

"My grandma hits harder than you" Andrew verbally jabbed back, still bending over and clutching his stomach.

"Do you have any suggestions, Commander? Dr. Zola asked, looking over a clipboard in his hands.

"That one" the commander replied with a sadistic smile while pointing at Andrew.

"Thanks for thinking of me" Andrew responded, attempting to use his humor to hide his fear.

The soldiers accompanying the commander and Dr. Zola began to take Andrew out of his cell.

"Where are you taking him!? Bucky yelled standing up and grabbing the bars of his cell. "I swear if you hurt him-" Bucky said before being interruped by the scientist.

"Lucky for you, I need two...volunteers" Dr. Zola said with an evil grin. The commander called over two other soldiers to assist in taking Bucky away with Andrew. The soldiers holding Andrew tightened their grip on his arms, halting any thoughts of escape.

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