CH 1.14 The Tragedy

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A few days later, Steve's team was perched atop a cliff, deep in the snowy mountains, awaiting the train Dr. Zola was supposedly aboard. Steve, Andrew, and Bucky looked down to the train tracks far below them. Andrew poked the zip line they had built down to the tracks with his finger and shivered at the idea of sliding down it.

"Remember when we made you ride the Cyclone at Coney island?" Bucky asked Steve.

"Yeah, and I threw up right in front of Sally Colter" Steve replied, hands on his belt.

"This isn't payback is it?" Bucky wondered.

"Now why would I do that?" Steve asked sarcastically.

"We were right" Gabe Jones said as he and Jim Morita continued to listen in on Hyrda's communications. "Dr. Zola's on the train. Hydra dispatcher just gave him permission to open up the throttle...wherever he's going they must need him real bad."

"Let's get going, gentlemen. They're moving like the devil" James Falsworth said as Steve buckled his helmet and Andrew put his sidearms in their holsters.

"We only got about a 10-second window" Steve announced as he prepared to ride the zip line. "You miss that window...we're bugs on their windshield."

"So encouraging" Andrew said sarcastically.

"Mind the gap" Falsworth added.

"Better get moving, bugs!" Dum Dum Dugan yelled as Steve began sliding down the zip line.

"I hate this idea!" Andrew yelled as he slid down followed closely by Bucky and Jones.

All four of the men landed successfully on the train after a few tumbles from everyone but Steve, and began making their way toward the front.

The men walked along the train cars carefully, not wanting to fall and subsequently drop off the train at breathtaking speed. After a few seconds of walking, Steve noticed a door on the side of one of the train cars with rungs leading down to it. Steve forced the door open and claimed the inside with Bucky and Andrew close behind. Jones continued on the outside of the train hoping to catch Zola during the distraction. The trio had entered a weapons storage section of the train. The train car featured shelves for storage in the middle and walkways on either side. The three walked methodically, wary of an ambush. Steve equipped his pistol and looked back at his friends before cautiously venturing into the next train car. As soon as Steve entered the next car the door behind him and the door in front of Bucky and Andrew shut immediately. A soldier wearing the same equipment as the one Andrew and Steve had defeated in the last Hyrda base appeared in Steve's car. Simultaneously, five standard soldiers ran into the car Andrew and Bucky were trapped in. Clearly, they planned to trap Bucky alone, but that had failed.

Steve barely deflected the large soldier's blast and hid behind cover. He looked through the windows in the train doors to see Bucky and Andrew struggling to deal with being outnumbered. Steve turned his attention back to the heavily armored soldier and charged towards him. Steve jumped up and grabbed a sliding piece of equipment on the ceiling of the train car and slid towards the soldier. Steve swung off the equipment and kicked the adversary, knocking him down. Steve slammed his shield into the soldier, knocking him out.

Andrew and Bucky had managed to take out three of the five enemies in their car. Steve used the armored soldier's weapon to blast open his door. He ran over and looked through the window of the next door to see Andrew pinned down behind cover on the right side and Bucky out of ammo on the left.

Bucky looked back at the door after seeing Steve open it. Steve tossed his gun to Bucky. Bucky caught the weapon, stood up, and shot one of the two remaining hostiles. The last soldier hid behind the weapon shelves in the middle of the train car after his gun ran out of ammo. Andrew stood up and casually walked over to Bucky, hearing the clicking of an empty magazine.

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