CH 2.6 The Aftermath

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Peggy paced back and forth in her office. It had been an hour since Andrew had left to rescue the hostages, and Peggy still hadn't heard from him.

"C'mon Andrew, come back to me" Peggy whispered as she held her comminations device in her hands. She walked out of her office and down the hall to one of the surveillance control rooms.

"Anything?" Peggy asked nervously as she entered the room.

"No, ma'am" one of the soldiers replied. "I'm sorry."

"Let me know if anything changes" Peggy said, turning around and walking back to her office. She tried to keep calm by telling herself that Andrew was okay and that there had to be a logical explanation for why he wasn't back yet. She took a deep breath and fought back her tears before opening her office door.

Peggy was surprised to see Janet and Hank standing in her office.

"W-What are you guys doing here?"

"We put Hope to bed and had Rose come over" Hank replied.

"Any news on Andrew?" Janet asked biting her nails anxiously.

"No" Peggy said with a shaky voice.

Hank and Janet started walking toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Peggy questioned.

"To look for Andrew" Janet answered.

"Please be careful" Peggy ordered.

Janet and Hank left the office and flew off toward Andrew's last known location. Peggy went back to pacing and a few minutes later, her comms device lit up.

"Andrew?!" Peggy exclaimed relieved and expecting Andrew to tell her he was on his way.


Peggy's heart sank into her stomach. She had never heard Andrew sound that injured.

"Andrew? Andrew?!" Peggy yelled, desperately hoping he would reply. Peggy was in shock, she wanted to cry but she couldn't.

"Please s-say something" Peggy pleaded as memories of the Valkyrie flooded her mind. She frantically accessed the location that Andrew's message had come from and called Hank and Janet.

"He's still at the warehouse. Please hurry...I-It sounds bad."

"We're almost there" Hank replied.

"It'll be okay...we'll bring him home" Janet added.

Hank and Janet arrived at the warehouse that the soldier and Andrew had turned into a warzone. Hank kicked the door and they ran inside. They spotted the chain that held the hostages down and ran toward the middle of the building.

"O-Oh my god" Janet gasped as they saw the blood splattered across the warehouse floor.

"Jan, you search the second floor and I'll stay down here" Hank said.

Janet flew up to the second level and fought nausea as she looked over the puddles of blood on the floor. She walked over and examined an area where an explosive went off. She walked over to a knife sticking out of the ground and knelt to take a closer look. She looked away quickly when she noticed the knife was completely covered in blood. Janet examined shards of metal and pieces of Andrew's suit on the ground before a trail of blood led her into a side room. She furrowed her brow under her helmet as she tried to figure out how the window in the had broken. She walked over to the opening, leaned out of the broken window, and spotted a body laying on the ground beneath it with a pool of blood forming around it.

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