CH 2.32 The Breaking Point

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It had been a week since that stupid mission. Andrew was at the end of his rope, barely holding on to what sanity he had left. He splashed some cold water on his face to try and get some sliver of energy back and took a deep breath.

Andrew tried to put on a smile but all he could muster was weak at best. He quietly walked into Hope's room and turned on the small nightlight in the far corner of her room.

"Are you okay?" Hope sniffled. Of course, her mother tragically passes away just a week earlier but Hope is more concerned with the well-being of others...Andrew was both proud and terrified.

"Yeah, I'm alright, Honeybee." Andrew knelt on the side of Hope's bed so their faces were level. He rested his chin on the bed, it had been days since he got more than two hours of sleep.

"Your eyes are all red" Hope's lip quivered.

"I'm just tired, baby" Andrew lied back, between Janet and Peggy...he was surprised he had tears left to cry.

"I miss Mommy" a small sob Hope had been trying to hold in escaped. Andrew frowned and scooched up to sit next to Hope. He gently pulled her up to him and into a protective hug.

"I know you do, Hope. I do too." This was part of the nightly routine the last seven days and it was Andrew's least favorite part. Sometimes during the day, if she was playing with Andrew it seemed that her mother's death wasn't the first thing on Hope's mind, but when bedtime was a different story. Janet's absence was particularly noticeable at bedtime. Andrew closed his eyes as Hope clung to him, softly crying into his shoulder. He felt Hope's small hands curl on his back and a tear trickled off his cheek. "I'm sorry, Hope," he said shakily.

"I-I love y-you" Hope spoke slowly through sobs.

"I love you so much, Hope" Andrew replied softly. This tore his heart in two. To see Hope hurt like's nothing she should've had to go through. Hope's cries began to slow and Andrew lowered her back into her spot on her bed.

"Where's Daddy?" Hope rubbed her eye sleepily. Andrew sighed, there was no easy answer.

"Your dad is...hurting, just like us. Right now, it's better for him to be alone."

"I miss him" Hope sniffled, Andrew rubbed the wetness the tears had left behind off Hope's cheeks.

"I know you do, baby. You think you can get some sleep?"

Hope gave a small nod.

"Okay, Honeybee" Andrew stood up and walked to the light switch. "You got Rupert?"

Hope grabbed the stuffed bee and held him close. Andrew flipped the lights off and took a deep breath. "You want me to stay?"

"Yes...please" Hope whimpered pitifully. Andrew gently closed the door and walked back over to the side of Hope's bed. He rested one arm on Hope's bed so she could hold his hand as she fell asleep, they'd established that a few days ago. "I'm s-sorry" she sniffled, slowly rubbing Andrew's hand.

"For what, hon?" Andrew asked, sitting on the floor next to Hope.

"You said you were tired."

"You never have to apologize for needing me, Hope. I'd stay with you forever if you needed me to, okay?"

"Okay" Hope sighed and held Andrew's hand close to her face as she rolled over. Andrew smiled at how tightly Hope was holding his hand, her strength often surprised him.

It took about a half-hour but eventually Hope drifted off to sleep and gradually released her strong grip on Andrew's hand. He wiggled his arm away, careful not to wake Hope. Once he has all his appendages back, he gently leaned over and kissed Hope's forehead. Andrew walked to the door and whispered that he loved her before quietly shutting it. Andrew sighed, time for the other half of his night to begin...

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