CH 2.17 The Roadtrip

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"Hit me!" A sweaty Andrew said firmly with a smile. "Well, not me...hit the sandbag I'm steadying" he shrugged.

"Fine" Carol smirked and hit the bag with her wrapped fist.

"Oh, c'mon" Andrew chuckled. "You got more than that."

"Oh, that's how you're gonna play this?" Carol asked with slight irritation in her tone...Andrew's plan was working. Andrew shrugged.

Carol slammed the bag again. Andrew felt it more this time.

"That's all you got?" Andrew teased. "Maybe you just don't have what it tak--"

Carol struck the bag again with all her strength during Andrew's sentence. Andrew stumbled back and rested against the dumbbell rack.

"There's my Carol" he giggled. "There she is."

Carol walked over and slapped Andrew's arm.

"Ouchie" Andrew said softly.

"That's for riling me up" Carol chuckled.

"I need to know you'll be safe...always"

"I can take care of myself, y'know"

"I do know...won't stop me from worrying."

"You have so much to worry about, don't include me, babe."

Carol curled her arms around Andrew's right arm and rested her head on his chest. Andrew leaned down and gently kissed Carol's head. He closed his eyes as he kissed her. All Andrew wanted to do was tell Carol exactly how he felt...those three words begging to escape his mouth. It almost hurt to keep them in at this point.

"Maybe I'll just prove that I'll be safe" Carol smiled.

"Wha-- hey!" Andrew exclaimed as Carol grabbed his arm and used his momentum to drag him to the floor in a swift maneuver. She pinned him to the ground and locked him in an armbar.

"Now I'd break your arm if you were a threat" Carol explained confidently.

"There's one problem" Andrew muttered from underneath Carol's leg.


"If I can do this" Andrew replied cheekily as he gripped Carol's arms with the arm she was holding and stood up while lifting her with one arm. He transferred Carol to both arms after standing up.

"Huh...that would be an issue" Carol exhaled and Andrew softly set her down. "This would be when I would kick you in the nuts and run away...only if you were a kidnapper or something."

Andrew laughed and the two caught their breath. They stood in their exercise attire and Andrew couldn't stop himself from getting distracted by Carol's exposed abs.

"What's next?" Carol asked excitedly.

Andrew didn't reply, he was too busy counting her muscles.

"See something you like?" Carol asked with a happy smirk.

"I see six of something I like" Andrew responded after snapping out of his trance. "You have better than abs than me."

"Oh, no way!" Carol rebutted. "Yours are huge!"

"C'mon, Carol! Your six-pack has a six-pack!" Andrew replied, gesturing to Carol's midsection with a laugh.

"Fine" Carol laughed. "We'll call it a tie. Now...get on the ground because I'm going to beat you in a pushup contest."

"Is that so?" Andrew teased as he dropped to the floor. "What's the rules?" He asked as he got into position.

"If-- sorry, when you stop or lose" Carol explained as she got into position right in front of Andrew.

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