CH 2.2 The Photo

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After a few hours, Hank and Janet went home to see their daughter leaving Andrew with nothing to do. It didn't take him long to figure out where he wanted to go. He walked straight across the hall and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A voice replied from within.

Andrew peaked his head around the door. "Is this chess club?"

Peggy looked up from her desk with a smile. "No, I'm afraid that's two doors down."

"You remembered" Andrew said with a laugh as he entered her office.

"Of course I remember" Peggy answered as she stood up out of her chair and picked up some paper off her desk. "I remember that day vividly" she said with a wink.

"Oh, I do too" Andrew replied with a chuckle. "This office is much nicer than the old one, you've got a couch now." He said as he flopped down on the couch.

"Just imagine what we could've done in here in '44" Peggy joked with a giggle as she sat down next to Andrew and started filling out the papers she had grabbed.

Andrew leaned over, rested his head on her shoulder, and closed his eyes exhausted from the day. He thought back to him and Peggy before the Valkyrie and that day in 1944.

"Do you ever think about what would've happened if we got together all those years ago?" Andrew asked without thinking.

Peggy looked down at him still resting on her shoulder and set her papers aside before answering. "All the time."

"Really?" Andrew asked surprised as he lifted his head off of her.

"Really" Peggy responded as they locked eyes. "Recently, I've been wishing they would have pulled you out of the ice a long time ago."

"I wish I never went into that ice." Andrew said as he inched closer to Peggy.

Peggy leaned toward him and Andrew instinctively moved toward her.

The two locked lips and melted into each other. Peggy feeling at home for the first time in years.

Her happiness was short-lived as a few seconds later reality caught up to her. Peggy pulled away quickly and looked at the ground.

"I-I'm's not fair" Peggy muttered.


"It's not fair to you, Andrew."

"I'm confused" Andrew replied. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" Peggy exclaimed as she looked at Andrew and placed her hand on his. "It's not fair to you because of the age gap."

Andrew sighed knowing she was right.

"Because of the serum you hardly age at all as it is...but then I age for forty years while you don't age a day." Peggy said with tears stinging at her eyes. "I'm sixty-four."

"And I'm sixty-six" Andrew answered with a weak smile, trying to not only convince her but also himself.

"You're twenty-six and will be for who knows how long." Peggy said with a deep sigh as she looked back at the ground.

"Peggy, look at me" Andrew said softly. Peggy looked back at him, he wiped a tear off her cheek and smiled softly. "I understand."

"You do?" She asked with a sniffle.

"Right person...wrong time. It's just really upsetting that it's happened to us twice now."


"I'll always care about you, Peggy" Andrew said.

"I feel the same way about you" Peggy replied with a smile. "I'm sorry I kissed you."

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