CH 2.8 The Babysitter

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An hour and a half later, Andrew and Hope waved goodbye at Hank and Janet as they left their house.

"What's on the agenda?" Andrew asked Hope as he closed the front door.

"I'm hungry" Hope announced with a smile.

"Well, let's go get food then!" Andrew replied happily swinging the door back open and tossing Hope her small jacket.

Hope held Andrew's hand for safety as they walked. Occasionally, Hope would jump and Andrew would swing her into the air with one arm.

After a few minutes, Andrew and Hope arrived at what used to be Steve and Bucky's favorite sandwich shop.

"It smells good!" Hope said happily.

"What'd you want?" Andrew asked with a chuckle.

"I don't mind" Hope answered blissfully.

"You sound like Peggy" Andrew sighed. "Go find us a seat, okay?"

"Okay!" Hope replied as she skipped away to find them a table.

"Good to see you!" The owner of the shop yelled to Andrew.

"Hello, Reggie"

"What can I get for you?"

"Just the usual for me and...can you do like a grilled cheese for her?" Andrew replied, gesturing toward Hope who was happily sitting in a chair waiting for Andrew.

"Of course! Is she yours?"

Andrew scoffed. "No, no she's my goddaughter."

"Could've fooled me!" The owner said as he began making Andrew's food.

After a few minutes, the owner handed Andrew his food and Andrew paid him.

"I still don't know how you've aged so well"

"I moisturize" Andrew said sarcastically as he walked over to Hope and sat down.

They started to eat and a few minutes later Andrew had finished and was patiently waiting for Hope. Hope looked over the photos on the wall next to them.

"Don't you know them?" Hope asked pointing to a picture of Steve and Bucky from World War Two and taking a bite of her grilled cheese.

Andrew took a deep breath before answering.

"Yeah...yeah, I did."

"Aunt Peggy has pictures of them...they seem nice."

"They were...Steve, the one on the left, was the kindest person I've ever met. He would've loved you." Andrew said with a grin.

"What about him?" Hope questioned, gesturing to Bucky.

"His name is Bucky. He partner, in everything I did. We were always there for each other...I met him when I was younger than you!" Andrew replied happily.

"Where are they now?" Hope asked innocently.

"They...past away" Andrew said clenching his jaw.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Hope apologized, not wanting to upset Andrew.

"No, it's okay, I like talking about them." Andrew smiled as he took a sip of his water.

"Okay...are you in love with Aunt Peggy?"

Andrew choked on his water and sat up from his relaxed position.

"What..makes you say..that?" Andrew asked between coughs, wishing Hope wasn't as smart as she was at this moment.

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