CH 1.10 The Plan

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"Ah! Welcome!" Howard shouted from across the room as Steve entered the lab with Andrew close behind.

"What're you working on?" Steve asked trying to take his mind off his Peggy situation.

"Things that will keep you and your men alive" Howard replied with a smile.

Howard began showing the two soldiers some synthetic fibers to place under their uniforms to protect them from bayonets and knives. Andrew got bored of this quickly and began wandering around. After a few seconds of walking, Andrew noticed Peggy standing in a corner with her back turned to him, watching Steve's every move like a hawk. Andrew silently snuck up behind Agent Carter before speaking.

"If looks could kill, he'd be dead several times by now" Andrew whispered quickly as he reached Peggy. After what had almost happened between them a few minutes ago, he was no longer afraid of scaring her.

Peggy jerked upward slightly and let out a small yelp as her heart pounded after being startled. Andrew chuckled after seeing how bad he had scared her.

"Us almost having kissing does not give you the right to do that!" Peggy whispered, her cheeks slightly pink.

"We were gonna kiss!? When?!" Andrew asked pretending to be surprised.

Peggy looked down attempting to hide her blush. She's never been a particularly bashful person but something about how he teased her made her that way.

"Anyways" Andrew said as he cleared his throat, and used a finger under her chin to lift her gaze back up to him. "Why are you staring a hole though Rogers?"

"I don't know" Peggy replied.

"Really, Peggy? I thought that our relationship was passed blatant lying." Andrew said with a smile.

"I just- everytime I look at him I see him with that girl" Peggy responded with a sigh. Andrew looked over at Steve to see Howard talking to him about his shield, and showing him some new shields he had created for Steve.

"Does it make you angry?" Andrew asked as he got a terrible idea.

"Well, yeah but I don't see your point, Andrew" Peggy replied.

Andrew continued to watch Steve. Steve picked up a prototype shield from below the table and began asked questions about it.

"Peggy" Andrew said with a smirk. "I've got an idea, it's a horrible idea, but if you do it you'll be my best friend ever."

"What's this plan of yours?" Peggy asked as a huge grin formed on her face.

"It involves you, Steve, my gun and that shield he's holding" Andrew said as he put his hands on Peggy's shoulders and rotated her so she could see what he was talking about.

"Oh my" Peggy replied with a giggle.

"And you like Steve, yes?" Andrew asked.

"I suppose" Peggy replied, making Andrew laugh.

"Well, I know he likes you back" Andrew whispered. "But he's gonna need a little nudge to realize that himself, and I've got a plan for that too."

"Alright then" Peggy responded. "What do I do?"

"You take this" Andrew said handing her his pistol. "You go be you and then when you get an shoot at him!"

"Okay" Peggy smiled as she grabbed the gun and confidently walked towards Steve.

"That was easier than anticipated" Andrew said to himself.

Peggy made her entrance as Andrew watched from afar.

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