CH 1.12 The Mission

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At six o'clock the next morning, the three men had almost finished getting ready to head off to wherever they needed to go. They didn't know. They didn't care. They were together.

Steve, Bucky, and Andrew walked into the mission briefing room where Steve and Andrew had marked the Hyrda bases on a large map a few days earlier. Andrew noticed Colonel Philips and Agent Carter already looking over the map.

"What's the plan, folks?" Andrew yawned as they reached the large map.

"Good morning, Captain," Peggy said looking at Steve with a smile and ignoring Andrew's question.

"Good morning, Agent" Steve replied grinning.

"Hello?" Andrew asked wondering if perhaps he'd died and was haunting the base. "Bucky? Can you hear me?"

"You guys hear something?" Bucky questioned sarcastically.

"I hear you just fine, Sergeant" Colonel Philips said gruffly, rolling his eyes.

"Oh thank god" Andrew said sarcastically as he clutched his chest.

"Agent Carter and I have been discussing what the best plan of attack would be. We think we have a route figured out, but we wanted your input" Colonel Philips explained plainly.

"There are six bases in total" Peggy said gesturing at the six icons marked on the map. "One in northern Greece, one in northeastern Italy, one in western France-"

"Always wanted to go to France" Bucky said quietly.

"Let the nice lady finish her story, Buck" Andrew whispered, poking Bucky with his elbow.

"One in western Czechoslovakia" Peggy continued. "One in far eastern Poland and last but certainly not least the one in northeastern Germany."

"Yikes" Andrew muttered softly. "This is not going to be easy."

"No it's not, but I know we can do it" Steve said confidently.

"I didn't know Positive Polly had joined the team" Andrew sighed, making Bucky chuckle.

"We're thinking we should attack the bases farthest from Germany first and make our way toward the cluster near eastern Germany" the Colonel stated. Andrew fought the urge to mimic his mind exploding.

"That would mean the base in Greece is our first target, right?" Bucky asked.

"That's correct" Peggy replied.

"Let's do it, then" Andrew said with a smile. "I hear Greece is lovely this time of year."

"The parts we're going to won't be very lovely" Steve said with a grin.

"Oh c'mon! It'll be fun. I'll be Hades, Steve can be Zues and Bucky will be Koalemos" Andrew smiled slyly.

"I'm okay with that, Koalemos sounds cool" Bucky said as he left the room to finish getting ready to leave.

"I'm familiar with the other two, but who would Koalemos be?" Peggy asked Andrew curiously.

Andrew checked over his shoulder to make sure Bucky was gone before answering.

"Koalemos" Andrew said as a smirk slowly appeared on his face. "Is the god of stupidity."

"That's not very nice" Peggy chuckled.

"It made you laugh" Andrew replied with a grin.

"Alright enough making fun of Bucky" Steve said with a grin. "We should finish getting ready."

"Aye aye, Captain" Andrew said jokingly as he saluted Steve...

Steve had finished preparing to leave, but Andrew and Bucky were still packing.

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