CH 2.34 The Decision

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--Two Years Later--

Andrew was now two years into a new chapter of his life. It was hard to believe that it had been that long since Carol's ultimatum and his decision. He sighed and plopped his supplies for the next few weeks on the floor of his house for that time. It had taken time and effort but eventually, Andrew adjusted to his new lifestyle. "Next're carrying your own bags."

"But don't you feel like a big strong man?" Carol raised her sunglasses above her forehead as she stepped through the door. "How're we affording a beachfront house in the Caribbean for two weeks again?" Carol asked with a giggle and she presented the view of the ocean like a game show assistant.

"We're not" Andrew smiled and tossed Carol's suitcase next to the bed before closing the front door.

"Pardon?" Carol's eyes widened.

"Howard Stark owns almost all of these...he'd owed me a favor."

"Did I ever tell you--" Carol smirked and walked back over to Andrew, grabbing his hands and wrapping them around her waist. "--that you're the best?"

"Maybe a few times" Andrew giggled before Carol leaned into a passionate kiss. He'd made the right call...he knew that a week after giving up the armor. He'd been Peacekeeper for most of his 'life'. Maybe it was time he actually lived a life. 1988 and the beginning of '89 had treated him well, but about a month into leaving the mission behind, he realized that Carol wasn't the only one with an addiction. Where did he turn when he was stressed? What did he use as a coping mechanism when things went south? What numbed the pain of life even if it hurt him? The mission...and giving it up was harder than he'd anticipated. Every time he heard sirens...every time something negative came on the news...every time he had a bad dream, all he wanted to do was sneak down to the lair and slip out to take out his feelings on someone that deserved it. But, overcoming it was good...this was worth it. He and Carol had both gone back to work, crime was lower than ever thanks to Moon Knight and the occasional eerie howl into the night. Rumors of a new female vigilante had spread throughout the city and Peacekeeper was back where he belonged...the past. Peggy had made a full recovery and Hope's bad days were minimal...Hank, however, hadn't been the same. He was callous and hid sadness with anger...Janet's death had crushed him. 1988 was the first year that Andrew got to experience music as it was released with Carol. A new Bon Jovi album, Joan Jett, and a new Poison album, combined with Carol's favorite, Guns n' Roses from 1987...their house almost always had music echoing through it. Carol fell in love with the movie Top Gun and she frequently teases Andrew about having a crush on Tom Cruise. Carol claimed she was having a heart attack after having the realization that Andrew had never seen a Star Wars film and she demanded that they watch the first movie that night. Andrew took his chance to match Carol's celebrity crush and likes to remind Carol of his love for Princess Leia. Peggy had ramped up Shield support around California and specifically the Los Angeles area and the facility Andrew 'works' at. Dr. Wendy Lawson, with Andrew's help, is close to completing a new type of engine to "end wars not fight them." But in the midst of the busyness of life, Andrew made sure to secretly plan a trip to celebrate two years of Carol's sobriety. It was a massive milestone and he wanted her to know just how proud he was.

"You know" Carol spoke softly. "I never really thanked you for setting this up." Her hands slowly slid down his chest.

"Really?" Andrew grinned.

"And this bed--" Carol smirked as kissed along Andrew's neck. "--looks new...maybe we should break it in?"

Andrew tugged at the bottom of Carol's shirt to show his agreement. Carol gently pushed Andrew onto the bed and hopped on top of him. She pulled her tank top over her head and Andrew sat up to kiss her as he reached around to unhook her bra. "God, it's been a while" Andrew sighed happily as he ran his hands along Carol's bareback.

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