CH 2.30 The Good ol' Days

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"Hiya, Peg" Andrew smiled weakly. "Y'know, now isn't really a great time."

"I wish I didn't have to bother you, but this is too important to ignore, Andrew."

Andrew sighed. He was happy to see everyone but he couldn't deal with another emergency. "Come in." Andrew stepped to the side and Peggy softly kissed his cheek as she walked by. "Good to see you, Janny" he smiled.

Janet walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's been too long" she whispered.

Andrew didn't reply, he didn't have the words to do so...he just held Janet tightly. "How's Hope?"

"She's good" Janet murmured, her voice muffled by Andrew's shoulder. "She talks about missing you sometimes."

"If I hug you any longer Hank'll kill me" Andrew chuckled.

Janet released him but kept her hands on his shoulders...just to look at him. He seemed tired but not just physically. She smiled and let go of him.

"Hi, Hank" Andrew grinned.

"Good to know you're still kickin'" Hank joked before embracing Andrew in a quick hug.

Hank pulled away and walked over to Peggy who'd pulled out a tablet-sized device. Janet had settled in Andrew's spot to be in awe of the baby. "They know by the way!" Andrew exclaimed, gesturing to Carol and Maria.

"I'm aware" Peggy smirked. "You think I would've exposed your identity on accident?"

"But how did you...damnit, Hayley!"

"Wait, Hayley?" Maria asked confused. "Who's Hayley?"

"Hello, Miss Rambeau" Hayley's monotone voice replied.

"What the?!" Maria looked around the room in a panic.

"She's an AI" Andrew tried to explain.

"And she speaks to you?"

"That's correct."

"Your life is weird, man" Maria smiled.

"If you think his life is strange now then you won't want to see what I've observed" Hayley joked.

"Excuse me?" Carol's eyes widened. "She observes?"

"Andrew instructed me to turn off surveillance in the bedroom quite some time ago...however I've seen enough" Hayley explained. Hank burst into laughter and Janet fought to contain a giggle.

"One more word outta you and I go through your memory files" Andrew threatened with a smile.

"We have a sex tape?" Carol asked Andrew, thankfully Monica was asleep.

"No, I deleted them" Andrew assured her. "She can just remember it."

"That's too bad" Carol smirked, Janet covered her mouth with her hand. A wink from Carol sent a chill through Andrew's body.

"Swiftly moving on," Andrew said clearing his throat. Janet fanned herself with her hand trying to make her cheeks less red. Maria shook her head and giggled to herself.

Andrew walked over to where Hank and Peggy were standing. "Am I ever going to get a hug?" He whined to Peggy.

"Can you finish this?" She sighed, handing the device to Hank. He nodded and walked off. Peggy placed her hands on the sides of Andrew's face. "I'm sorry, darling" she smiled. "Of course, you can have a hug."

Andrew melted into her arms. He wished he could curl up and be held by her forever. Nobody gave hugs like Peggy. He'd never forget the way his head fit on her shoulder and how she gently pressed on his back with her hands, pulling him closer. "I missed you, Peg" he sighed comfortably.

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