CH 3.7 The Knife

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Andrew's head shot up as he realized that he was on the Rambeau family couch and not kissing the woman in the other room. He smiled thinking about his conversations with Maria the night before and Monica earlier that day. A thought entered his mind and he quickly hurried out the door.

Monica Rambeau slowly opened her eyes and a tiny smile crept across her young face as she recalled that she didn't have to miss her dad today. She flung the bed covers to the side and hopped off her bed. She walked down the flight of stairs and through the dining room.

"Mama, when's-- Mama?" She asked again after not seeing her mother in the kitchen. Now that she thought about it, she hadn't heard anything...where was everybody? She pushed a chair over to the window and stood on her tiptoes to look out. Nobody was outside. Daddy had said he wasn't leaving yet...Monica began to worry. Did something happen? Had they left without her?

Monica walked back upstairs to check room by room. She knew that her room was empty. "Mama?" She called out as her small hand curled around the handle of her mother's bedroom.

"Hello?" Monica asked with a furrowed brow when she saw a singular lump on her mama's bed.

"Hey, baby" A groggy Maria replied slowly.

"Are you sick?" Monica asked worriedly, her mother was seldom still in bed when she woke up. She didn't want her mom to be sick while Andrew was here.

"I feel fine, I promise. Daddy and I stayed up too late talking about stuff" Maria half yawned.

"What stuff?" Monica questioned, hopping up and sitting next to her mother.

"The same stuff you talked about while you were hogging him yesterday, stinker" Maria smiled.

"Where'd he go? He promised he wasn't leaving yet."

"I'm sure he'll be back. Did you check the couch?"

"Yes, mama" Monica groaned.

"I'm going to ignore that attitude because I haven't had my coffee yet" Maria squinted at her daughter.

Monica frantically lead Maria out towards the coffee she deemed a necessity as the front door knob turned and the door creaked open in front of her.

"Hey, you're up" Andrew smiled at the little girl.

"Daddy!" Monica threw her hands up at him before noticing the containers in his hands. "Whatcha got?"

"Breakfast!" Andrew declared in a silly commanding tone.

"If that's from the place on the corner of downtown I'm about to devour it" Maria leaned against the kitchen doorframe with a empty coffee cup in her hand.

"It was the first place I saw" Andrew shrugged with a smile as he handed Monica her biscuits and gravy.


"What do you say?" Maria raised her eyebrows at her daughter.

"Thanks, Daddy!"

Andrew placed the rest of the food on the table and the trill of the phone bounced through the room. He grabbed it off the wall of the living room and--

"Well, HELLO" Rebecca sighed loudly.

"Hi?" Andrew answered cautiously.

"Hi, remember that date with the smoking hot Mexican girl?"


"Yeah, shit is right, dumbass. Don't worry, we rescheduled it for you."


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