CH 1.7 The Rescue

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Andrew took a sharp breath as he suddenly awoke to the sound of yelling, gunfire, and explosions. "What the hell is going on?" he mumbled to himself. Andrew looked at the table in front of him to see Bucky still laying there, now conscious, but only mumbling nothings. "Hey Buck, you think they're coming to save us?" Andrew chuckled. "Who am I kidding. Nobody is crazy enough to rescue us," Andrew said slowly closing his eyes. His body was still completely exhausted from the torture it had been put through.

After a few minutes, Dr. Zola burst into the room the two friends were being kept in and began frantically stuffing papers into his bag. Zola ran out of the room and into the hallway to see Captain America standing at the far end. Dr. Zola turned and ran the other way, terrified, as Steve jogged into Bucky and Andrew's room.

"Sergeant-thirty-five-five-seven" Bucky muttered as Steve ran over to his side.

"Bucky?!" Steve asked hoping his old friend was still in there somewhere. "Oh my god...what did they do to you?" Steve said as he ripped the straps that had been holding Bucky in place for who knows how long. "It's's Steve" Steve pleaded to Bucky, hoping to break him out of whatever trance he was in.

"S-Steve?" Bucky asked quietly.

"Yeah! Yeah, it's me, c'mon" Steve replied, lifting Bucky off the table. "I thought you were dead, Buck."

"I thought you were smaller" Bucky replied in a daze, looking at his friend who now stood taller and larger than he. "What happened to you?" Bucky questioned quietly.

"I joined the army" Steve joked. "Is Andrew alive?" Steve asked, full of life compared to his companions, hoping to rescue both of his friends.

"Why don't you ask him yourself" Bucky murmured, gesturing over to Andrew slumped over and strapped in the chair.

"Holy cow" Steve muttered as he ran over to Andrew and began unraveling the straps holding his friend down. "Andrew? It's Steve. C'mon, buddy, you gotta get up...we gotta go."

"Steve?" Andrew groaned, he didn't much care for being shook awake, it didn't end very well last time.

"Hi, we need to leave now. Can you walk?" Steve held Andrew opened his eyes.

"Holy shit! I'm dead!" Andrew exclaimed, the shock of seeing Steve like he was jolting him with energy. Andrew wobbled to his feet and winced as he stumbled in his attempt to walk. Andrew took a few steps before he started to fall. Skillfully, he was able to catch himself on the corner of a nearby wall. The area where he grabbed immediately crumbled in his hand as he grabbed it. Bucky and Steve stared at him, speachless.

"Okay then" Andrew said, eyes wide, turning around to face his friends. "You guys saw that too right?" he asked, desperate to know if he was going crazy.

"Oh, we saw it alright" Bucky spoke, stunned at Andrew's display of strength.

"Looks like you got the same stuff I got " Steve said with a chuckle.

"You still haven't told me what you got!" Andrew yelled frustrated.

"I'll tell you when we get out of this hell hole" Steve said with a grin.

"Hold on a second" Andrew said getting an idea. "Let me try something." Andrew took a step back and punched the wall he had caught himself on with all his might. His fist went straight through the solid stone wall. Andrew pulled his hand back and examined it, not a scratch. "Woah."

"As much fun as this little reunion has been guys, we really gotta get outta here" Bucky said nervously as gunshots echoed throughout the base. Steve and Bucky ran toward the door, but Andrew didn't move.

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