CH 2.19 The Flashback

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"Peggy...I'm sorry" Andrew said softly.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" Peggy replied with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Do you remember that mission we had...during the war?"

"The undercover one?" Andrew questioned somberly. "How could I ever forget...?"

Andrew woke up in a painfully small bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Andrew curled his right hand into a fist and winced as pain shot up his arm...he hadn't fully healed from the mission the night before. He groaned, stood up, and threw on a shirt with an army logo on the front. Andrew walked out of the room he woke up in and straight into the war room. He leaned over the main table and yawned.

"Tired?" A man asked as he walked up behind Andrew.

"I was up late, Buck" Andrew chuckled. "It was a mission...before you get any ideas."

"Boring" Bucky teased.

"How's your hand?" Another man asked walking up to Andrew's side. Andrew took note of the sound of moving vibranium that came with the man.

"Just dandy, Steve"

"Supersoldier healing should kick in soon" Steve smiled and slapped Andrew's back in a friendly way.

Bucky grimaced and Andrew growled in pain as his back arched in agony.

"Sorry!" Steve exclaimed. "I totally forgot about the grenade thing!"

"It's--" Andrew took a deep slow breath. "--okay, Steven."

Just then, Colonel Philips walked into the room. "Rogers, Barnes, you're going to France" he ordered.

"When?" Steve asked curiously.

"Whenever you feel like it" Philips replied sarcastically. "Now!"

Andrew and Bucky snickered.

"We'd better go before Steve does any more damage" Bucky joked.

"I said I was sorry!" Steve protested as they walked away.

"The hell happened to you?" The Colonel asked Andrew who was still ok visible pain.

"A lot"

"Well, they want you in D.C."

"Do I look to be in fighting shape?"

"Nope...but it wasn't my call."

"That's the last time I take a grenade for Bucky" Andrew sighed. "What do they even want me to do?"

"That's need to know...and apparently I don't need to know."

"Lemme guess, I leave now?

"How'd you guess?"

Andrew leaned over onto the table in front of him. He felt something whack the base of his back, causing him to stand up straight. Andrew looked over his shoulder to see Peggy walking by.

"Don't slouch" she winked as she walked away.

Andrew smiled and watched Peggy leave.

"Am I going alone?" Andrew asked Philips who had his back turned.

"I think you're supposed to" he replied. Andrew smirked and began to walk away to pack his things.


Peggy held a pencil in her teeth and carried a mountain of paper to her office door. She transferred the paperwork to one arm so she could unlock her office door. She used her key and opened the door. A yelp escaped her lips when a man sitting in her desk chair startled her.

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