CH 2.4 The Statue

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Andrew woke up and stretched to see if his side had recovered. He peeled back the gauze to see that his bullet wound had fully healed. He brushed his teeth and threw on some exercise clothes from the equipment Peggy had put on the plane. He wandered into the kitchen with a yawn.

"Good morning!" Hope said excitedly.

Andrew smiled and Hope ran over to him. She jumped into his arms and Andrew swung her into the air.

"Mornin', honeybee" Andrew replied.

Hope grinned as Andrew held her.

"I wish she loved me that much" Hank said sarcastically as he sipped his coffee and read the newspaper.

"I'm not sure she loves me quite yet" Andrew joked back.

"Really? Hope, do you love Andrew?" Hank asked.

"Yeah!" Hope said happily before leaning into Andrew's shoulder.

Andrew let out a strange noise, placed his free hand over his heart, and a fake sad face. "My can't take it."

"The Grinch's heart grew three sizes that day" Janet joked while cooking their breakfast.

"What's a Grinch?" Andrew asked confused.

"Let's not open that can of worms" Hank teased. "Grandpa might get confused."

"Be nice!" Hope ordered upset that her dad was making fun of Andrew.

Andrew smirked and his eyes widened as he watched Hank look at Hope with confusion. Janet laughed from the stove.

"Thanks, honeybee" Andrew said happily.

"You're welcome" Hope replied cheerfully. Andrew set her down and she ran back to her seat at the table.

"Could you grab Hope some cereal?" Janet asked Andrew.

"I would love to get her some cereal." He replied. Andrew walked over to the cabinet and grabbed Hope's cereal. He poured it into a small bowl and filled it with milk. He walked over and placed the bowl in front of Hope. Hope thanked him and Andrew poured some into his hand and ate it.

"Ugh" he muttered disgustedly.

"It's not that bad!" All three of them exclaimed.

"Guys, this tastes like cardboard" Andrew replied while pouring himself an emergency glass of orange juice.

"Everybody makes fun of our raisin bran" Janet said with a fake sigh.

"That's raisin bran? Jeez, they haven't changed that recipe since 1925!" Andrew said with a laugh.

Hope's face showed a confused expression as she ate her cereal.

Andrew cleared his throat hoping that Hope wouldn't call him out on his slip up. "I gotta get to work." He said grabbing an apple off the table.

"You're leaving?" Hope asked joylessly.

"I don't want to, but I have to" Andrew replied with a sigh. "Peggy will kill me if she doesn't see me soon."

"But I don't want you to go." Hope said as she hung her head in sadness.

"I'll come back, honeybee" Andrew said fighting the urge to not go to Shield. "I'll always come back."

"Promise?" Hope asked softly.

"You make me promise a lot" he replied making Hope giggle. "Yes, I promise...follow me real quick."

Hope got up and followed Andrew into the spare room. He dug through his ammo bag from the plane for a second before pulling out one handgun bullet.

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