CH 1.11 The Suit

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"Steven! The doctor will see you now!" Andrew called out from within Peggy's office.

Steve stormed into Peggy's office and stood inches from Andrew, clearly extremely upset. Andrew couldn't imagine why. He looked ready to explode. Andrew simply smiled at his friend.

"What the hell was that?!" Steve asked sharply.

"What was what?" Andrew asked playing dumb.

"You and Peggy- why would you do that?" Steve asked half angry and half sad.

"Take a seat, Steven" Andrew said pulling a chair in front of Peggy's desk. Steve didn't budge. Andrew sat in Peggy's chair and gestured toward the chair he had pulled over for Steve. Steve sighed before frustratingly sitting down and staring at the floor.

"Do you have like Miss Peggy Carter in a romantic way, Steven?" Andrew asked.

"Well, yeah" Steve replied looking up at Andrew.

"Huzzah!" Andrew yelled while throwing his hands up in the air. "Now that's what I call a breakthrough, Steven."

"What do you mean? Why are you so happy?" Steve asked confused.

"You just told me you like Peggy" Andrew replied. "It looks to me like all you needed was a taste of your own medicine, Mr. Hidey-Hole Kisser. Now, how did it make you feel?"

"Do I really have to answer that?" Steve placed his head in his hands, unable to shake the image from his mind.

"Yes" Andrew said immediately.

"Well, I saw you and Agent Carter doing...things" Steve answered awkwardly.

"Go on."

"And that made me feel...not good" Steve admitted with a chuckle, his frustration subsiding as the realization this is exactly what he'd done to Peggy set in. Andrew had planned this. He should've known it wouldn't go unpunished. Tricky bastard.

"See now you know how she felt and you guys are even. Now you both can start over and pursue eachother!" Andrew explained, throwing his hands above his head and spinning victory circles in Peggy's chair.

"That's great and all" Steve said with a smile. "Was what you did the only way to do this?"

"Oh, heavens no!" Andrew exclaimed as he stood up out of Peggy's chair. " was absolutely the most fun option. Peggy thought so too" Andrew said with wink.

"Oh yeah, rub it in some more, Williams" Steve said sarcastically. Andrew laughed as he began walking towards Steve.

"Say it" Andrew said as he walked over to Steve and put his arm around his shoulders.

"Say what?"

"Say you like Peggy" Andrew replied.

"I, Steve Rogers, like Peggy Carter" Steve said rolling his eyes. Andrew let out a heavy sigh as they started walking out of room.

" are welcome" Andrew joked as they walked out the office.

"I'm not thanking you for this" Steve said with a laugh.

"That's not very kind!" Andrew replied pretending to be hurt. "I did a nice thing and I really helped you!"

"You call kissing the woman I like a nice thing?!" Steve asked loudly.

"A little louder, Steve" Andrew said sarcastically. "I think there's an soldier in a coma, in the medical area three floors above us that didn't quite hear you."

Steve grimaced and they kept walking down the hall.

"And yes, if it helped you then it was a nice thing!" Andrew said defensively. "It was certainly nice for me"

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