CH 3.8 The Dark Angel

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"We have to go" Andrew spoke firmly as he entered the room.

The tone of his voice instinctively told Jessica not to hesitate or question him. She slung a jacket on and headed for the door.

Andrew's forearm across her shoulders stopped her.

"Put that on" A bag landed at Jessica's feet.

She knelt and slowly unzipped the top. A smile grew across her face.

"This is--"

"Talk later, hurry now" Andrew stuffed something into his pocket and finished preparing to leave.

Jessica rapidly equipped the contents of the bag and looked down at herself. She liked it.

Andrew hurried her out the door and they rushed downstairs.

"I didn't scare you that bad did I?" Danika teased from behind the bar.

"Just going for a walk" Andrew flashed a fake smile over his shoulder and sped out the door with Jessica ahead of him.

"Can I ask what was wrong?" Jessica asked after they'd walked down the road for about fifteen minutes.

"I had a bad feeling. I learned quick back then that the enemy was everywhere. That's even more true now. Trust your gut, Jess."

"Right" Jessica nodded to herself, taking the advice to heart.

"Does it fit okay?" Andrew pointed down to Jessica's front.

"Yeah!" Jessica squeaked, feeling over her sides.

She moved her jacket to reveal a black heavily modified Shield suit that was typically for use in heavy firefights.

"It's not much...just something I had been working on."

"Thanks" Jessica smiled. She had never had a suit before!

"Well, I couldn't stand by and watch you get hurt." Andrew kicked a small rock along the dirt road.

Jessica looked up at him thankfully, that meant a lot. She wasn't used to having people looking out for her.

"What're you going to do when figure all this out?"

"I'm not sure" Jessica replied, sticking her hands into her jacket pockets. "I'd like to stick around California I guess...if you'll all have me."

"I'm sure they'd be fine with that" Andrew sighed.

Jessica stared at him for a moment. It was strange to watch him flip between the military commanding officer and her friend so seamlessly. He seemed so sure of his actions while he was keeping them safe but when he was relaxed it seemed something troubled him deeply.

"Get off the road. Lay in the grass. Go now."

Jessica's eyes widened and she slid off the road in a split second.

Andrew stood, trying to stay out of sight as a large helicopter flew over. They reached their destination and a small flame shot from it in the distance. A large explosion cracked across the otherwise calm landscape.

"There goes our ride home" Andrew spoke as he watched carefully.

Jessica's eyes poked over enough to see the aircraft.

"C'mon" Andrew grabbed her hand to help her up. "They know we're here. We--"

"How?" Jessica asked, her voice in a tone of desperation. She felt that no matter what she did they always knew.

"Cloaking tech must not be as good as Shield thinks it is. It's fine, I'll tell Peggy. Can't think about it now."

"Okay" Jessica took a steadying breath and climbed back up next to Andrew.

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