CH 2.28 The Wolf

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Carol softly groaned in childlike frustration after realizing she had woken up. Fighting her body, she refused to open her eyes. Carol sighed and rubbed her sleepy eyes before flipping the bedsheet away from her face. A smile cheekily overtook her face and she flopped over to face Andrew. She noticed Andrew was still sleeping and giggled as she grazed the bridge of his nose with her finger. Carol softly kissed Andrew's face a few times, muttering "I love you" after every one. She rubbed her hand lovingly over his chest and whispered "wake up, baby" into his ear. Carol chuckled after Andrew didn't even move and gingerly nibbled on his ear. Carol gave up and rested back on her pillow, smiling at Andrew still sleeping. "You think we'll get married?" Carol asked quietly. No response from her restful boyfriend. "This is the first time I've talked to you about this" she giggled and intertwined her fingers with Andrew's. "How many kids do you think we'll have? Two? A boy and a girl? This is stupid...we'd never do that. No way I'm pushing a human out of me." Carol laughed at herself. "I'd like to have a cat...I'm sure you'd want a dog. Can you wake up? I'm running out of daydreams." Carol tapped Andrew's chest and kissed him, finally he started to stir.

Andrew groaned and rolled into Carol. "Good morning" he mumbled.

"It's time to get up!" Carol laughed and tried to push Andrew off her side.

"But I'm sleepy" Andrew whined. Unbenounced to her, Andrew had only gotten a few hours of sleep thanks to the moon squire.

"I'm hungry" Carol rebutted.

"I'm comfy."

"I'm cold, we can do this all day" Carol sighed.

"How are you cold? These pajamas are my favorite" Andrew snickered.

Carol huffed.

"Get it? Because you sleep naked?"

"You're a true pioneer of humor" Carol grinned.

"Says you" Andrew giggled.

"Says me?!" Carol exclaimed.

"All of your jokes are sarcasm."

"I take great offense to that" Carol sniffled.

"I rest my case, your honor" Andrew laughed.

"Shit" Carol smiled happily. She pulled Andrew's pillow over from his side of the bed and whacked his face with it. A strange surprised exhale came out of Andrew.

"Don't start this" Andrew smiled. Carol rubbed the pillow into his head. "I'm warning you" he grinned.

"You scared I'll win?" Carol muttered teasingly.

Andrew rolled Carol beneath him and curled her pillow around her head. Carol turned him over and smothered him with her 'weapon.'

"Ah, you bitch!" Carol giggled after Andrew pinched her arm to make her stop.

Carol nudged Andrew's knee, forcing his leg out from underneath him. "Ass!" Andrew exclaimed through a grin.

Carol lunged at Andrew but they slipped off the silk bed sheets and they both tumbled off the bed, they landed with a loud thud on the floor. Carol laughed at smashing Andrew by landing comfortably on him while he hit the hard floor.

The sound of joyful laughter echoed off the walls followed by two "I love you's" and a kiss...

After breakfast and a shower, Carol was applying light makeup while Andrew cleaned up the mess of a bed their battle had left behind. He fixed the white sheets and laid the matching comforter on top.

"Do you like this color?" Carol asked Andrew, holding out a light red shade of lipstick.

"You're putting on lipstick?" Andrew questioned as he flopped the pillows back in their places.

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